Twenty Seven

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Meeting the doctor was crazy, there was just so much resemblance of Jimin on him. His voice, the way he spoke, when he took my arm I felt his biceps and that's how Jimin's felt. I was going crazy, there is no way that was Jimin. There were many differences anyways.

Jihyun took my arm again and wrapped it with his as we walked in the park, it was a a lovely day.

The temperature was perfect, you could hear the birds chirping around in joy and you could feel the semi warm breeze hit every part of your body as you walked by and you could smell the sweetness of every flower in the park.

Since I couldn't see, I used my other senses to determine what type of day it was and how beautiful it was outside.

"Jihyun. Do you believe Jimin would ever return to me?" I asked, I had no idea what I was thinking.

"I don't know. Do you want him to?"

"Part of me does, part of me doesn't. I think I'm better off without him. However I need to stop thinking about him, even though it's so hard. Have you ever dated anyone?" I asked him, I was curious about him too.

"Yeah, I have. I lost him though."


"Yeah, I'm into guys too." He said and giggled. I liked him even more now because I knew he wouldn't judge me.

"Well that makes two of us." I said and he giggled again.

"You know Yoongi...your eye shape and the color of your eyes are really nice. It''s quite a shame this happened to you." He said, and I turned my head away, facing down, since I couldn't technically look down.

"Yeah, but you're gonna fix me right? I can't wait to see your face. Your voice sounds so nice and well...I don't doubt you're attractive. Not that I would, I...I'm sorry." I was at loss of words, I never struggled like this before.

"No," he laughed "it's okay Yoongi. You are an attractive man you know."

"You think so? You know how hard it's been though? No one wants me anymore became I'm blind and if this surgery doesn't work, I'll never be loved again."

"No yoongi. That's not true. There is...someone that will really love you for who you are and I don't even doubt there already is. You're handsome, you're sweet and you're funny. Honestly I haven't felt this good with someone in so long. You're easy to talk to, so thank you." he said and hugged me suddenly but I hugged him back. I liked him a lot and I wanted to get to know him more.

"Thank you Jihyun. That means a lot."

"Alright, let me take you home now before your parents start worrying." He said and then we made our way to his car.

On the way back we listened to music and sang along to all the songs on the radio and had fun. I felt like he was going to be a lot more than just my doctor, he was going to be my friend.

If only I knew what he looked like, how he smiled, how his eyes were shaped, what his hands looked like and his hair. I wished I could see how tall he was and how big or small he was. He felt small like me, but I wanted to see him. I knew he was beautiful though, I felt it.

I couldn't stop thinking about him after I went home, I thought and imagined things I shouldn't have. I mean, he had boundaries and so did I. I couldn't think about those things about my doctor, but it was just some random thoughts.

"Ah Cali, tell me what he looked like. Was he handsome? Did he look like Jimin?" I said and patted her head. She just continued to pant like any dog would and I just chuckled.

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