Chapter 18

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"Hey Sana come here also you Momo and Lisa, lets eat." Suran said

They went near her and they ate.


"Hyung I didn't know your ex-gf was that hot, I thought she was only about being cute." Jimin told Yoongi

"Shut up, she's a piece of shi*, what a hoe." Yoongi said

"Why? What did she do?" Jimin asked

"Yo, lets swim already!" IU shouted

"Yeah!" Suran shouted

"Ok." Momo , Lisa and Sana said

IU was first to jump and she was at the deepest part of the pool that even the guys couldn't reach the floor but she was a great swimmer she was able to stay there.

"Sana!" She called out

"Yes" Sana went near her she didn't jump in the pool yet.

"Sana come with me , its not that deep." She lied

Then Suran walked pass Sana and pushed her to the pool. Then IU swam away. Yoongi saw what happened  and he just went near Mark and pointed to where Sana was, there were bubbles, as Mark tried looking around for Sana, as he didn't see her she just ran to the pool and saw Sana drowning  so he jumped to to get her.

Good thing Mark new how to swim but he took long and Sana  was already unconscious. The others panicked since they did not know what to do

"Eonni!'' Lisa shouted

"Sana!" Jin and Namjoon shouted

Then Mark performed CPR, good thing Sana opened her eyes although she was already weak Momo and Lisa were there to help her change clothes.


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