Ninja Crush💙

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| Ashley's POV |
-sigh- it weird to have a crush that's a ninja turtle? Because for me, I think it's normal! Not only that, but i always tag along with the bros,And I can see my crush in action. And who couldn't like him! His one liners are too funny to me. His smile is so contagious and he can fight like a boss! I've got myself a ninja crush! I can't ever get him off my mind. It's like a cute puppy picture that you saved on your phone and will never delete it. Ah,I can't wait to go and see the bros and April. I think April is the only one who knows about my secret crush on Leo. She always try to tease and torture me when I'm either near Leo or in his presence! She always try to push me toward him and make me blush like crazy. She gives me this smirk that says 'there goes your crush Ashley~'it will forever make me cringe. It's kind of hard to keep my crush away from Leo though. April teasing me, me acting like a nervous wreck when I'm around him,-sigh- it's really hard. This little voice inside my head keeps asking when are you going to him when you like him?
Why are you still hiding this from him? It's nerve wrecking. I'm going to tell him,I just don't know when I'm going to. Hopefully it's soon, so no can take him away from me. Don't worry,I'm not a yandere girl.
| Leo's POV|
I wonder why Ashley is so...nervous when she's around me. Every time we are together, she stutters and fidgets all around. Does she like me? I have to find out myself.
*Time Skip*
Me and the bros heard about this pig mutant guy named Meat Sweats trying to do something with his powers. I think he's trying to kill people and then his food. Well, we all decided that Ashley should come with us, Since she knows knows how to fight and protect herself. We were driving to his hideout and I kept glancing over to Ashley, only to see her blushing a little. -sigh- she's too cute.
*Time Skip*
Fighting Meat Sweats was kinda hard for my liking.
But with Ashley helping me, it's 29% easier.  Raph punched Meat Sweats over to me, and I threw him over my shoulder, but I what I didn't see coming was a scream of pain from Ashley. Oh no! Nonono! This wasn't supposed to happen! But that hit from her looked like it knocked him out,because he wasn't moving anymore. Everyone ran over to Ashley with me being in the front. "Ah! Ashley I'm so super sorry! Help me get Sweaty Meats off of her!" I said half scared to death. "It's Meat Sweats and roll him over in 3..2..1!" Donnie said. "-gasp-! I-I think my arm is broken!" Ashley said in pain. "Ehh,it looks pretty bad,Everyone back to the Shell Raiser!" Raph said.
*Time Skip to the lair 🙂*
Oh,I hope she won't be mad at me.  I want to go and check on her,to see if she's mad at me. "H-hey Ashley, how you feeling?" I say. "Oh! H-hey Leo. I'm feeling fine! Hey look, I forgive you about the accident. A-and I wanted to also tell you something else." Ashley says.
|Ashley's POV|
I feel like I'm ready to tell him about my crush on him. "Ok! What did you want to talk about?" Leo asked. Ok Ashley, here goes. "I-I just wanted to tell you that I've had a crush on you for a while now,and I never did have the guts to tell you until now. I hope you like me back Leo." I said somewhat confidently. "You do?! Yess! I've had a crush on you too Ashley! And of course I would like you back! Who wouldn't?' Leo said. I can't believe it! My first crush likes me back! "Hey Ashley,can I sign your cast?" Leo asked "Of course Leo." When I looked at what he had written, in big bold letters it said Leo's cute gf ❤️❤️ I immediately gushed over it. It's so cute! Now instead of a ninja crush, I've got myself a ninja boyfriend.
I am so so sorry @sonicheroesrule123
I had so many things going on with school and volleyball! I'm sorry for this excuse.
Bye my stars! ⭐️⭐️
Author-Chan out

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