"Fraternal," Lizzie added in, "Obvs."

From the corner of her eye, Valerie could see the puzzled look Rafael was giving the Saltzman twins, causing her to quietly chuckle, "Come on, now. Don't scare him away. He just got here." She commented with a smile on her face.

"Rafael, why don't you go with the girls while I talked to Landon," Alaric suggested and the twins were quick to lock arms with Rafael while Valerie followed close behind.

"Morning, Hope." Josie and Lizzie greeted Hope as they began to walk away.

"Help me," Rafael mouthed to Valerie, causing her to chuckle as she shrugged her shoulders, which was her way of telling him she couldn't.

"Morning, girls," Hope replied to Josie and Lizzie's greeting.

"More like despair," Lizzie commented quietly as they walk away from Hope.

"I heard that." Hope commented.

"No, you didn't," Lizzie replied, trying to stop herself from chuckling.

"Didn't have to," Hope snapped back.

"Everyone, behave," Alaric warned them, growing annoyed with the three girls bickering.

He was honestly surprised that Valerie didn't add in, she always did, "Love you, Dad." The twin sisters said in unison as they turned to look at their father as they continued to walk away.


"Everybody gets along with everybody here," Josie began to explain before Valerie cut her off.

"For the most part, you mean," Valerie corrected the younger witch, "There's always those moments when they don't. Never ends well."

"The wolves are pretty cliquey. They like to hang with their own," Lizzie informed Rafael before turning to glance at Valerie, "Surprisingly, they even let half-breeds into their clique,too. Usually, they only allow in purebreds. Sadly, I can't say the same about witches."

"In defiance to the school's commitment to exclusiveness," Josie commented, causing Valerie to roll her eyes at the twin sisters.

"That is why we volunteered to be your tour guides. To give you a good witch welcome before your harrier brethren corrupt you." Lizzie explained as they stopped in front of the classrooms, which happened to be the one Valerie's mother subbing in.

"That is everyone that attends the boarding school's favorite teacher, Miss Ophelia. She's subbing for our Chemistry of magic teacher, who accidentally incinerated himself last week with hellfire." Josie informed Rafael, who seemed shocked by it all.

"He burned all the hair off his body, but it didn't leave a scar," Lizzie added in, "Miss Ophelia happens to be Valerie's mother. Miss Ophelia is part werewolf, part witch, and also part vampire. She's practically the most powerful being that is still living to this day."

Inside the classroom, Ophelia wrote down the incorrect incantation for a spell and then circled the beginning letters of the incantations, "Alrighty, kids," She spoke up as she turned to her group of students, "This language has been carefully created for centuries upon centuries. So you may think you can just pronounce the words any way you want, but if done so, a simple love charm can turn into something way different." She explained before turning her head to see Josie, Lizzie, Valerie, and an unfamiliar teenage boy standing outside the classroom, watching what was happening in the class.

She smiled slightly, turning to look at Penelope Park, who was honestly one of her least favorite students and also an ex girlfriend of Josie Saltzman, who happened to be one of the teenagers she truly liked in the boarding school, "Penelope," Ophelia called out, causing the younger witch to look up, "Why don't you show the class?"

Outside the classroom, Lizzie groaned in annoyance, "She who shall not be named." She commented.

"Talking about her gives her power," Josie remarked quietly, causing Rafael to give them both a confused look.

"Who are you talking about?" Rafael questioned the two girls.

"Penelope Park happens to be Josie's evil ass ex," Valerie informed the male werewolf, "I still don't get why you would date her. She's a total witch bitch and she's not even that good looking. What did you even see in her?"

Lizzie scoffed loudly, "Oh, shut up, Val. You're just jealous that Josie doesn't reciprocate the feelings you have for her." She defended her twin sister with an attitude, earning an eye roll from Valerie.

"I'd say otherwise," Valerie muttered under her breath so that Josie, who was standing to her left, was the only one who heard her.

Josie elbowed Valerie in the ribs, clearly trying to tell the girl to shut up.

Inside the classroom, Penelope saw the Josie staring at her and winked while smirking. Keeping for eyes locked on Josie, she began to chant the spell, "Phasmatos es lucas odoray." She chanted as a large yellow ball of gas formed in her hand before it exploded and the scent of a stink bomb filled the room.

"I always love when that happens," Ophelia muttered under her breath as she smiled in satisfaction. She looked over at Josie, who was staring at her and winked, which caused Josie to smile when she realized Ophelia had picked Penelope to do it on purpose, "That's right, kids. A stink bomb spell. I was also waiting for one of you lot to realize that I spelled 'Phasmatos' wrong on the board. Too bad, you could have gotten extra credit."

The whole class began to groan in annoyance while some were still coughing from the stink bomb, "Aw, come on! Don't be so dramatic. It's just a stink bomb. Grow a pair."

Lizzie, Josie, and Valerie chuckled to themselves, clearly hearing what Ophelia had told the class, "Have I mentioned how much I love your mom? She's literally the best." Lizzie commented and Valerie nodded her head.

"Yes, you have. At least ten times a day. Try having your mother as a teacher, only to have her purposely embarrass you on numerous occasions." Valerie complained before a smile formed on her lips, "But yeah, you're right. She is the best."

Concentrating on making Lizzie and Josie move with her mind, the twin sisters were suddenly pushed backward and were not standing about ten feet away from Rafael. Rafael frowned at this before Valerie locked arms with Rafael and began to walk away with him, "Come on, handsome, I'll show you the turret, it's where the seniors and a few selected juniors go to smoke. All thanks to me, the founder."

"What do they smoke, exactly, eye of newt?" Rafael smiled as he turned to look at Valerie.

"Weed, dummy," Valerie chuckled at his question, finally stopping the spell that forced Lizzie and Josie to freeze in place, unable to move.

Lizzie let out a breath as she was finally able to move again after Valerie was far enough away. She turned to Josie, who seemed to have the same reaction as her, "Bitch," Lizzie commented as she and Josie tried to catch up to Valerie and Rafael.

"You know I can hear you, right?" Valerie commented as she turned to glance at Lizzie, "Werewolf hearing and all."

"You know I don't care, right?" Lizzie retorted with an attitude, causing both Rafael and Valerie to chuckle while sharing a glance with each other.

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