Chapter 6: Her Butler, Risky.

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Back in the gardens, Yume had calmed down, but she was being very clingy and was very nervous. “Dang-danger… He… I’ll Protect…” Yume tried to speak. I knelt down next to her, and stroked her dark hair. “I know. It’s alright, don’t stress yourself.” I spoke gently, as she reverted back into her Demon Hound form and began to lick my hand. “Me and Tobi will deal with this one.” I said, stroking her paw and standing up. I turned round and as expected, he was there waiting for me. “He’s in there. But he won’t be for much longer.” Tobi spoke calmly. Emily began to panic. “Didn’t you say he showed interest in the library, Miss?” Emily’s voice shook a little. “Then… Where is he now?” She finished. I chuckled and turned around. “The library, of course.” Thomas seemed shocked as he jumped over Yume’s swishing tail. “But having Tobi take him there- your playing right into his hands!” He panicked. “Incorrect. The Young Mistress knows exactly what she’s doing.” Tobi smiled, looking at me. “I know what he wants- but he won’t find it there. Not anymore.” I replied, turning my head to look at the main building where Roger probably was. “Then… What’s the plan?” Emily asked, slightly reassured. “Were going to get on his nerves… The plan here is to make our Fr. Pettingale a little angry with us.” Tobi replied. “Precisely- We know what he wants, but currently… We don’t know why. If we can anger him, there’s a chance that he’ll make a mistake and he’ll tell us.” I explained. “It’s a little childish, but it’ll work.” I added. “However, Tobi, as you know… He’s dangerous, please, be careful.” I turned back to face him. “That’s right! Just because you’re an amazing butler doesn’t mean you can’t get hurt!” Thomas yelled to him. Tobi seemed somewhat surprised. “Please, if you are going to be irrational, just be safe, for the young mistress’ sake.” She smiled, trying to get rid of her worried look. Tobi sighed deeply. “None of you need to worry, I have no intention of being harmed by a simple priest.” He started, then he looked at me. “Not when my master needs me.” He smiled. It made me happy, and I smiled too. “So…” Thomas started. “Is there anything at all that we can do to help?” He finished. “He does have a point.” Emily added. “We can’t very well just sit around and wait for it to be over when we know that there’s a possibility that you two might be fighting.” Emily finished, sitting on the side of the wall next to Yume. “There is one thing you can do.” I replied, pulling a set of keys out of my pocket and handing them to her. “Split the keys between the four of you when you meet up with Michael and Shannon back in the mansion. I then want you to go and lock all of the windows and the doors once you go back outside.” I explained. “Oh and… Grab some tools from the kitchen… If you know what I mean. I have a feeling this day is going to be somewhat eventful.” They chuckled and nodded to my addition before running around the corner and entering the large building from another side. 

With Yume now calm and asleep, Tobi attached her chain to her collar so that she couldn’t destroy the mansion if Roger was still here when she woke up. “Now then,” I started. “I believe we have a job to do… We should pay our kind guest a visit.” I smiled. And with that, Tobi had disappeared ahead of myself into the mansion, so that he would be the first out of the two of us to get to Roger and keep him busy while I picked something up. 

Back in the main building of the library, Roger’s expression was that of anger. There were books scattered everywhere around the room, so much so that there was very little of the actual carpeted floor to be seen. There was still plenty more books being sent flying out of Roger’s hands as he violently rummaged through the old bookcase, seemingly looking for something in particular. He stopped for a moment. Panic filled his eyes as they widened. “This cannot be…” He started, a hint of fear rose in his voice as it trembled. “If not here, then where else could it be?” His voice was almost thick with panic, but he tried to regain himself. He began to look around at all of the books that had been carelessly tossed on the floor, scattered around the room, making sure that he hadn’t overlooked it. There were as many as six books left on the bookcase shelves, and Roger began to look desperate. But his face almost seemed to twist, almost in realisation of something, as if he couldn’t control his rage. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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