From the Past to the Future

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Just for the record, this is set after Hunted, so that means Wu is back with the ninja and they know about Krux and Acronix. Enjoy the chapter and please comment. 😉😊

Ray felt wind in his face. He opened his eyes to see he was fall. He could hear Libby screaming, but nothing from Earth and Ice. He turned and saw both their eyes were closed. He could also see the Scythe of Quakes and the Shurikens of Ice falling with them. He was holding onto the Sword of Fire and Libby was hugging the Nunchucks of Lightning, fearfully.

"We have to create our dragons!" Ray yelled to Libby.

They both tried but for some reason, their dragons wouldn't form. They looked at each other with fear in their eyes and looked at Ice and Earth.

"We're all going to die!" Libby screamed as the ground grew closer to them.

"We're not going to die!" Ray yelled at her. "Didn't Wu say these weapons turn into vehicles?!"

"Yeah, I think I remember him say that once!" Libby yelled back. "But we aren't suppose to use them!"

"I think this time, we can make an exception!" Ray yelled as he turned the Sword of Fire into a motorcycle.

Libby looked at the Nunchucks of Lightning unsurely, but turned it into a jet.

They both managed to catch Ice and Earth as they fell down to the ground. The vehicles turned back to the Sword of Fire and the Nunchucks of Lightning once they were all safely on the ground. Ray and Libby both walked over to the others to make sure they were okay.

"It looks like they just fainted from either exhaustion or from all the excitement." Ray said as he checked their pulses.

"Hey, where are the other two Golden Weapons, and where is those men?" Libby asked, looking around.

Ray now wanted to slap himself. He should have thought to grab the other two weapons, but he was to scared of losing his friends.

"We forgot to grab them while we were in the air." Ray answered. "And I saw one of the men fall though the portal too."

"So where is he? And where are we?" Libby asked.

Ray looked around. They were obviously in the woods, but he wasn't sure which woods they were in.

"I'm not sure Libby, last thing I remember is us fall though that portal Krux and Acronix created." He said and looked at Libby, who had a worried look on her face.

"Ray, do you think Krux and Acronix accidentally transported us to the past or future?" Libby asked, looking around the forest again.

Ray thought about this for a moment. Krux and Acronix did us their powers together at the same time, but the forest looked the same as it did in their present.

"Maybe, but want I know is that we have to get out of here and find those weapons we lost." Ray said.

"And that man." Libby added. "But where are we going to go?"

"Let's see if we came get to the monastery." Ray said, already grabbing Earth and holding onto the Sword of Fire.

Libby followed his lead and grabbed Ice and the Nunchucks of Lightning. They dragged them towards the monastery, hoping to find some kind of clue to find when they are. Libby talked nonstop on the walk there.

"Do you think that man got ahold of the other two weapons?" She asked.

"I don't know, but we'll look for him after we get help." Ray said, not turning around.

"If we don't get those weapons back, Wu and Garmadon are going to kill us." Libby said.

"I agree with you, they'll be pretty upset that we lost the weapons their father used to create Ninjago with." He said, still not looking behind him.

"What do you think is going on with our powers?" She asked

"I'm not sure, but we'll find out." He said.

They finally reached the stairs to the monastery just as the sun was setting. Libby was had already asked about a million questions, but Ray knew she was panicking. So he just answered her questions and keep walking up the stair, with Earth and Ice knocked out the whole time.

"Are they ever going to wake up?" Libby asked.

"They'll wake up soon." Ray said, the whispered, "I think."

They finally reached the top and were completely shocked. They saw that the monastery was almost completely burned down. From the look of it, it had to have been a big fire.

"What happened to our home?" Libby asked quietly.

"I don't know." Ray said, not taking his eyes off of it. He slowly shook his head, not wanting to believe his home was gone, but it was hard since he was staring right at it.

Libby put a hand on his shoulder, and sighed. "I guess we'll have to think of a new plan." She said, and turned away.

"Let's stay here for the night anyway. We just got here and it's already dark, and it's not safe traveling after dark." Ray said.

"Okay," Libby said. There was an awkward silence, as if she were trying to think of something to say for once.

Just as it looked like Libby was about to say something else, they both heard a roar in the distance. They looked to see six dragons quickly approaching. They readied themselves for a fight, and were expecting one when all of the six dragons disappeared and six ninja landed in front of them. Each one was wearing a different color outfit.

"Dad?" The red ninja asked.

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