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Rhysand POV

Whore. Amarantha's whore. Nothing better than someone to warm her bed. Her little plaything. No good for anything. No good for anyone. Whore. Amaranth-

I woke up in cold sweat. My hands bunched the sheets and my wings were spread out to their full length. I hoped I hadn't woken Feyre again. No. Good. She was still sleeping soundly, a sweet little smile on her perfect lips.

Those words played out in my head repeatedly, going round in a loop. Over and over again.

I could never tell my mate what really happened in my dreams. Well, nightmares. It wasn't that she wouldn't understand, I'm sure she would, but I was afraid that she would see me that way. I wasn't ready for that. Everything was going so well. I didn't want it to be ripped away from under my feet, taken and never given back, just like everything else good in my life had been. Feyre hating me was something I couldn't face. Wouldn't face.

Restless, I plodded over to the balcony, overlooking Velaris. My Velaris. My city. The only thing I had managed to save from that witch. I had sacrificed so much for these people and they deserved it. They deserved a small piece of this hell hole of a world where there was peace. Where they could be who they wanted and they wouldn't get judged. I'd put my life into that city. I was glad it survived Amarantha.

I sighed.


I turned around and beheld Feyre with a confused look on her face.

"What are you doing out here? Why aren't you asleep?"

Quickly I ran my hands through my hair and turned back to face the city.

"Nothing, darling."

Moments later, I felt warm hands wrap around my body, careful to avoid my wings, and Feyre's head rested in the space between my shoulder blades.

I don't believe you. Did you have another nightmare?

I spun round almost knocking her over.

"You know about the nightmares?!"

She nodded.

How? I'd never told her.

"How did you know?"

Smiling shyly, she grabbed my face and pulled it to hers. Lightly she kissed me.

"Whenever you have one, Rhys, your shields drop and, I don't know, maybe the bond? Whatever it is I see your nightmares too. I hear what you hear. I see what you see. I feel what you feel."

Stunned, I couldn't form words. Oh no. This meant that she knew. She saw it all. And heard it. And felt it. Oh no. What if she didn't love me anymore?

I made to move my face from her grasp, desperate to no longer make eye contact, but she just held me even tighter.

I know Rhys. And I love you. And I won't stop loving you and I think you're beautiful and amazing and perfect and - do I have to keep going?

Thoroughly relieved, I pecked her on the lips and hugged her tight.

Yes please, Feyre darling.

She rolled her eyes.


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