Rebecca The Kockblocker and Alec The Manwh0re

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I got out my car and locked my doors but when i turned around to walk to Alec, he was already right behind me. Stealthy Mofo . I gasped softly in surprise, He just gave me side smile. "Hey."

"Hi." I replied in a small tone and pushed away from him. Call me a b-tch but i am kind of salty that he didn't talk to me almost all week, he just disappears, he wasn't even in school. That cannot be good for his grades.

I started walking away but i felt an arm warp itself around my waist and i halted. Please don't blush please don't blush. I turned to look at him and rose an eyebrow.

He frowned his brows, "Are you mad at me?" He tilted his head. Dam him and his cute expressions..

I shook my head and removed his arm. I cant just be like 'Where were you? huh! huh! huh!!' Hes not my boyfriend, he doesn't have to talk to me if he doesn't want to. But it would be nice to know hes okay. i had to be subtle about it.

 I just shook my head but this time when i started to walk away he grabbed my waist with both of his arms and kept me in place while he leaned against the side of my car. "Seriously whats wrong?" He bit his lip. Dead.

"I- You, Where were you?" I stuttered, subtle my butt.

He gave a amused look, "Is that why you're mad?" He moved my body closer to his.

"I'm not mad." I shook my head repeatedly. "Its just- you miss to much school you're not going to graduate." Nice cover up....

By now he had a full blown grin on his face, "You missed me?" He rose an eyebrow, and hugged my body. I frowned at his chest, nope I'm not hugging you. He hugged me tighter, pressing me against his hard chest. God he smells so good.

Finally giving i wrapped my arms around his waist. I tilted my head up to look at his face. "Its nice to know you re okay." I narrowed my eyes. "Where have you been?" i repeated.

He stiffened, "Out of town." Judging by his vague answer he didn't want to talk about.

I looked down at the ground, "Oh." I let go him but he didn't let go of me.

He gave me a light squeeze, "Hey. I'm sorry."

"I just uh worry." i mumbled trying to get out his embrace but he wouldn't budge.

"You have to care abut the person in order for you to worry Audrianna" The way he says my name just gives my goosebumps all over my body thank god for my sweater.

"Who says i don't care?" I rose my eyebrow, and smirked.

"Do you?"  That dam side smile, will be the death of me.

I stood quiet for a few seconds, "I do." I bit my lip and looked at his lips, they were so close. I don't know if it was because i really wanted him to kiss me, but i could of sworn he was beginning to lean in.

"Would you look at these love birds." Rebecca yelled out loud to Ian who was standing right next to her. "I've called you like 5 times, the bell rung 10 minutes ago." she looked at me then Ian and smirked. "but i can see you were pretty .. preoccupied."  she giggled, and thank god for Ian that kept pulling her away from the cars. She was out of sight but we could still hear bits and pieces of her conversation, "Ho Hos..... babies... Protection."

 Looking up at Alec i see hes blushed red and I'm pretty sure i sporting the same tint right now too. I noticed that i was in Alecs arms and he seemed to noticed too and instantly dropped his hands from my waist and scratched the back of his head.

"Sorry about her." I mumbled as i adjusted my purse. "We better get going."

"I'm not going to school today."  He had a strained look, waiting for my reaction.

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