I’ve always felt like I died a little too on that night. After that, there was no more cute little y/n, y/n who just wants to laugh and hug people and spread joy. No. The new y/n did whatever it took to survive, and didn’t just scream and cry when some big scary man threatened her. No, that little girl was dead.

I shook those thoughts out of my dead. No point crying over the past. Those people never came to rescue me, they left me. I had to rescue my own damn self.

I squinted my eyes at the horizon, there was a big hill just a day’s walk away, and on it was.. a building. A huge building, with high stone walls and barbed wire. It must be some kind of warehouse, or a military base or a… a prison?

// N E X T  D A Y //

I didn’t know why I was so nervous, I was just going to check the place out, see if there are any supplies, maybe sleep here for a couple of days.

What if it’s full of the evil man, like the last time?

What if it’s full of a loving community, who would look after me?

I was actually more scared of the second possibility. I didn’t want to get attached to people, just to get dumped by them again.

Nevertheless, I continued on towards the building. I tried to relax and just focus on getting there as quickly as possible, but no matter what I did, I just couldn’t push down that small glimmer of hope inside of me.

I was shaking as I reached the gates, I had to stab countless walkers which surrounded the area to get here, but now, all that stood in the way of my possible better future, was a huge gate.

I reached up to knock, but hesitated. I shook my head, getting my shit together, before knocking 3 times.

There was no answer at first, so I loosened my grip my on my dagger a bit, thinking the place was abandoned.

Suddenly the huge gate creaked open, revealing a huge man, who was holding a crossbow at me.

“Who are you? Don’t even try anything because I will, I-I will… Y/n?”

My eyes widened when the man said my name and my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

“D-Daryl? Daryl! oh my god, i-it’s you! It’s- it’s- oh my god I-” I stuttered, too shocked to realise that my dagger had clattered to the ground.

Daryl was here? Where the rest of them here? Was- was Carl here?

My heart skipped a beat when I thought about it, but I didn’t have time to ask questions, because Daryl pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

It’s been so long since I’ve had a hug.

I was almost in a daze as Daryl practically dragged me to where everyone else apparently was.

He dragged me into a huge hall with people sitting at tables eating. I recognised most of them, some were new faces and some faces…were nowhere to be found.

“Guys lo-look who’s not dead! Ater al this time-” Everyone turned to me, mouths agape. Daryl had hardly finished speaking when Maggie leapt up from her table, launching at me. I buried my head into her shoulder, Maggie was practically my mother before I was taken.

As I stood there in her shaking arms, I felt a warm feeling inside me, a feeling I hadn’t felt in ears.

I felt.. loved.

After a while longer of being reunited with everyone, I was exhausted, but couldn’t wipe the huge grin off my face. I realised that the one person my heart ached for the most was nowhere to be seen.

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