CHAPTER TEN: Monsters Dad and lots of them!

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**Warning this chapter has some graphic violence in it**

Katrina: {There he goes again with that look. Why does he have to look at her like that? Why does this boy have such an effect on her? And why can't she simply ignore him?

She still can't believe he wasn't disgusted after they told their story. In fact he seemed even more interested in her. Strange boy this Zachary. Strange but intriguing. It felt good to finally have someone to talk to though. His Dad seems really nice and this world they are from sounds like a paradise. She can feel his pain when he speaks of his mother and it almost breaks her heart.

She wishes her and her brother could have grown up in this other reality he speaks of. What would it be like to not run in fear or feel your stomach eating itself because you haven't had any food in almost a week? What would it be like to not be hunted like an animal? She didn't know and it wasn't any use thinking about it now that it seems like the Vampires have found them.

She just needed to stop this boy from trying to get himself killed all the time.}


      "NO!" I heard Katrina yell from behind me and I felt her grab my arm just as I was yanked into the corridor.

Suddenly I became the rope in a tug o' war contest of death. Ding, ding, ding! In this corner we have an enraged burning giant vampire behemoth that wants to eat me. In the other corner there's an enraged vampire/werewolf/angel that probably would eat me too if she had the chance. 

 Hmm my options weren't very good if you looked at it like that. My feet started moving finally, well it's about damn time I thought at them, and I tried running but I was being held at least a foot off the floor.

The monsters burning flesh was starting to make my clothes catch fire too as it pulled me closer to those giant tusks. It opened its massive jaws impossibly wide and roared again, right in my face this time. 

 My hair was blown back, and nasty green monster spit splattered across my face and clothes as the shadow of those huge teeth passed over my face and it pulled my head into that Grand Canyon of a mouth.

Katrina yanked my arm backwards and those blood-stained teeth gnashed together missing my nose by a dang millimeter it seemed.

"Plasma Cannon primed and ready... targeting," I heard behind and overhead us.

Oh crap, I thought this is not good just as green laser beam pinpoints began dotting the monsters in the tunnel.

"Lunar tribe DNA detected in target zone. Please clear area immediately," the computer said, "Targeting will attempt to compensate but I might miss." It finished saying.

Suddenly Tesla was there as though appearing out of thin air his jaws locked onto the behemoths leg and he shook his head savagely back and forth apparently trying to tear the beast apart from the ground up.

The creature looked down and in its surprise at being attacked relaxed its grip slightly. In that instant I heard and felt the air hum with electricity as bolt after bolt of sizzling green death fired from the glowing Plasma cannon into the monsters filling the corridor. 

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