Where, and why?

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It's been 5 WEEKS since Hawkmoth's attack. The hero squad got more and more curious about  Hawkmoth. Finally, they had a mini meeting at Marinette 's room. 

"Sssssoooo... WHERE THE HELL IS HAWKMOTH?!?!" Marinette snapped not waiting any longer to get it off her chest

"Maybe he's sick?" Nino said still deciding if it was an answer or a question. 

Everyone's faces went blank the second he said that, even the Kwamis couldn't believe that guess (NOT EVEN PLAGG!!) 

"Anyone else have a theory?" Chloe blurted out. 

"I've been checking the news for THREE weeks  to see any people being akumatized and NOTHING!?" Alya confessed holding her phone as if it was her greatest enemy ever. 

"Don't worry guys, I'm sure we'll find him." Tikki said 

"And when we do... WE'LL KICK HIS BUTT!!!!!" Plagg announced, shoving Tikki out of the way.

"Thanks a lot guys, but that's not helping us find Hawkmoth," Adrien confessed. 

"Maybe we should suit up and patrol the area... AGAIN." Chloe suggested.

time skip (because I can)

After hours of looking through the city... NOTHING!!! Finally they took a break and went back to Marinette 's house for pizza and garlic knots. 

"We've searched the whole city and NOTHING!!!!" Trixx sighed taking a giant piece out of a piece of pepperoni.  

"Maybe Nino's right?" Pollen said trying her hardest not to barf out her garlic knot. 

"Lets just keep trying until we find an akuma," Marinette suggested not even looking at her slice. 

Not even a second later... EVERYTHING CHANGED! The ground under their feet shook. Every second it got worse and worse. 

"W-what's happening?" Chloe screamed holding Pollen close to her chest. 

"It might be a villain!" Adrien exclaimed. 

"Time to TRANSFORM!!!" Marinette screamed. 






Finally after transforming, they get on the top of the building, now revealing the terrifying truth... A PORTAL IN THE SKY!!!!! 

"W-what the hell is that?!" Carapace questioned. 

"I-i-i-it's a PORTAL!!!!!!" Lady bug screamed ready for a fight 

"What do we do? Do we have a portal stopper or something?" Queen bee questioned 

"Sadly no!" Rena Rouge replied going behind Carapace (since he's such a manly man)

"So what do we do?" Cat Noir asked. 

Lady bug just looked at them in disbelief, she though they would REMEMBER her lucky charm... so she reminded them. "LUCKY CHARM!!!!!" Ladybug hollered. After the flashy ladybug hearts coming and going.... NOTHING!!!! No weird object to help save the world.

"NOTHING!" She whispered in shocked. 

"WHAT?" They hollered. 

The portal then got bigger. "Let me try again... LUCKY CHARM!!!" She repeated... STILL NOTHING! But this time before the yo-yo could fall to the ground, the portal sucked her up!!!!!!!! One by one the heroes were sucked up by the portal. 

It felt like an eternity of screaming, twirling, up and down and left to right. They finally stopped, the looked at there surroundings to realize they were in space! They were losing air quickly!  When suddenly in the distance Rena Rouge could see a red blur in the distance before blacking out for what felt only like a few seconds. She woke up. She woke up in the healing pod seeing a small amber color haired girl in front of the pod across from her. Before Rena Rouge could say a word the door slowly disappeared out of existence, thus making her tumble to the ground. 

"HEY, ARE YOU OKAY!!??" She heard a voice from the distance coming closer. 

Rena Rouge soon felt little hands on her back and stomach helping her up. She looked up to see the same girl up close "Where am I?" Rena asked looking around the room to see her friends in there pods WITHOUT there costumes. 

"You're in the castle of lions, I'm Pidge, the green lion's paladin." Pidge explained helping stand proper. 

"Lion? what Lion?" Alya questioned holding her necklace tight.

"The lions, you know... they form Voltron?" Pidge explained trying not sound like that was a stupid question. 

"Vol- TRIXX! WHERE'S TRIXX?!" Alya worried not giving a damn anymore about Voltron. 

"Who?" Pidge asked.  

"My kwami? It looks like a little fox?!" 

Pidge looked at her for minute until she remembered seeing them. "OOOHHH! Yeah they're  somewhere playing with the space mice. Let me help you find them." Pidge offered acting like an older sister to Alya. 


"I'm Pidge, What's your name?" 

"Alya, but my super hero name is... Rena Rouge!"


Hey, It's me! thank you for reading my dorky mess of a story, be sure to wait until part two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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