"A McDonalds Worker"

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Richie holds my hand and looks me right in my eyes.

Richie: (almost crying) I love you.

Eddie: (smiles) I love you too.

I peck his lips and pull the blankets up over me. We both fall asleep holding hands.

*mornin time*

I wake up to Brendon Uries beautiful voice. I sit up and so does Katie. Richies still knocked out. Katie turns towards me and a smile forms on her face.

Katie: You like panic at the disco?

Eddie: yeah do you?


We stand up and hold each other's hand and jump in a circle scream singing the song.



Richie: ugh shut up losers I'm trying real hard to pretend I'm still asleep.

I let go of Katie's hands and look at Richie.

Eddie: wake up come on it's time to go to school.

Katie: right. You guys have school. I graduated last year but I'm going to go to college next year in the fall.

Eddie: yeah soon it's gonna be summer, I can't fucking wait. Now Richie get the hell up.

Richie: fine.

We get up get dressed and Katie drives us to school with Richies car. Once we arrive at school we go to class.

*lunch time*

The bell rang so I pack up all my stuff to go to lunch. I stop at my locker to get my lunch box. Three to the left 22 two to the right 11 one to the left 31. I open up my locker and shove my math book in it while taking out my lunch box. I close my locker and start walking to the cafeteria when I hear something. Sobbing. Coming from the janitors closet. I knock on the door and no answer I knock again.

Millie: go away.

I open the door to reveal Millie crying her eyes out on the floor of the closet. I quickly shut the door behind me and lock it. I get down on the ground with Millie. I look at her.

Eddie: what's wrong?

Millie: me and Beverly got into a big fight.

Eddie: about what?

Millie: everything, pretty much she thinks I'm selfish and needy and she thinks the reason I won't tell her who I kissed is because I like them which is not true.

Eddie: who did you kiss, I promise I won't tell anyone.

Millie: Eddie, I kissed Alison.

Eddie: Alison like mikes girlfriend Alison.

Millie: yeah and I feel terrible because she told me that she didn't like guys and then right after that she ended up dating mike and now if I tell anyone I'll end up being the villain because I kissed her. I really want to tell Bev but I'm just scared. I don't wanna be telling Alison's business to Beverly and then that might get out to Mike. You see I think Alison is truly just bisexual but if mike found out that she said she only liked girls then mike is gonna think that relationship is fake when I really doubt it is. I just wish bevy would understand.

Eddie: you told me what's so different about telling bev.

Millie: because if I tell Beverly then she's gonna think I have a crush on Alison and I don't I love  bev.

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