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Such a simple word to say.

Yet, such a complex word to explain.

Love is an intense feeling of deep affection.

It can build you up.

And tear you down.

Good experiences come with love.

And so do bad ones.

Love manipulates you.

It can set you up for two possible endings.

The happy ending.

Or the sad ending.

Love leads to heartbreaks.

Love leads to mending broken hearts.

It is both a hero.

And a villain.

Set out to save you.

And to destroy you.

To make you feel like you are flying.

And to make you feel as if you're falling.

It hurts.

It heals.

It's painful.

It's blissful.

It's a nightmare.

It's a dream.

Sometimes, you wanna wake up.

Sometimes, you wish it would never end.

Love is complicated.

Yet so easy.

The question is...

Do you think it's worth it?

~The One Who Wants To Love

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