Getting rid of her

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I then resumed to my seat while David was busy with the coffee. It was still daytime but the sun was about to set. Someone then knocked at the door. David then went to open the door but with a small peak did I see it was the girl again. I then ran to the door quickly pushing David out if the way. I then closed the door and locked it. David then gave me a weird look stating at me with weird wide eyes that was confused frowning looking at me as if I was crazy. I then just told him in a normal calm way that she was a beggar. He then went and continued with the coffee and asked me if I wanted some milk. I replied with a solid yes. I then saw the girl walk down the hallway misfigured. I the one told David I was going to the bathroom.

As I walked down the hallway trying to get the pesky little girl out of here did I walk up to the girl, and I then headbutted her. The girl just looked at me with a stare and I got tired of this. I then just pulled her hair all the way to the bathroom. While the girl was dragged by her hair to the bathroom did she toss and turn a lot and fast. When I was in the bathroom Did I pull the girls hair up and I forced her head in the toilet.

I then flushed the toilet and told the girl to be gone by the time me and David comes back.

David's POV

What is taking Samantha so long. When Samantha came back did she look a little bit different I then asked her what's wrong and she replied with a stone plain "nothing". I then replied in like a cute and funny way "because our last date didn't work why don't we go on another one now, it will be my pay". She then said no she has to go home. I called a cab for her and when it arrived did I say bye and let her leave.

Later that night while I read my book of Steven King Pet Semitery. I heard a loud smash of glass on the floor. I just though for myself it was nothing but inside was I screaming (RUN BITCH RUN). I eventually proceeded to read my book until I heard a knock on my door. I was shocked and went to a box full of sports stuff where I then took out my boxing gloves.

I then went to the door struggling to open it with the boxing gloves I wore. I eventually got the door opened halfway and I decided that if I see something will I hit the crap out of it. I then opened the door completely to see a girl standing there. In my mind did I quickly think if I should beat her up or not and I decided yes. I then went on a kicked the girl in the ribs and punched her face. I then noticed that I didn't do anything to her my leg and arm just passed her by. The girl then asked if I wanted to play hide and seek, before I could reply did she run down the hall. I then just closed the door traumatized of what I just saw because the girls face was miss shaped and blood dripped of her face and her eyes were completely black. I just turned around to see the same girl, she said you found me, after she said it did she come closer to me, we were a foot away from each other. I felt horrified and confused.

The girl then suddenly looked deep into my eyes. I felt uncomfortable, with the a cold sweat of stress dripping down my face did I fear the worse and decided to run down the hall where I tripped over one of the boxes. I quickly stood up and ran further looking back at the girl only to run into Samantha.

Then and there when I ran into Samantha did I ask what was she doing in my house. She replied with a excuse saying she forgot her bag here and that her phone was in there so she couldnt just call me. I knew she was making a excuse just to see me but I was happy. Happy because the little girl disappeared.

I know I haven't posted any new chapters but I have been busy a lot the last few days. And remember any mistakes I have made

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