getting use to things

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The next morning did David call Samantha. She never answers but he kept calling and leaving messages like are you fine and others where he got angry. He then just made breakfast for him and ate it on the table. He then saw that he never cleaned the blood stain on the table. He then took a washing cloth and vinegar. He then poured a little vinigar over the washing cloth and rubbed the cloth on the blood stain. He then just went to a real Dojo. While he was in the cab did he start to fall asleep but just when he almost fell asleep did he hear a deep womanish voice saying get out. He opened his eyes and look next to him. He then saw a woman looking at him with a smile from one ear to the other. The woman then went ahead and putted both her hands on David's head and started to push both of her hands together. He then started to tell the cab driver to stop but the cab driver did the opposite he drove faster. The driver then drove full speed straight to a cliff. The driver then drove of it and fell into sea water. David then tried to open the cab door but it couldn't. He then searched for something metal like a pipe. He then saw a crowbar under the passengers seat. He took it and bested the glass with it. Just as he was busy to get out through the window did the cab driver take hold on David's foot and as the sunken cab came all the way closer to the sea floor did David start to feel weaker and the wanted the held his head disappeared. But the man kept his tight grip on David's foot. He then passed out and drowned and the cab reached the sea floor. David then woke up from his sleep terrified and confused because it all felt real. The cab driver then said that they are at the karate dojo. David then exited the car and walked inside the door. He then saw a woman at the table in a red dress and and bob hair. He then asked where the owner of the dojo was. The assistant then replied and said he was out eating sushi.

David's POV

I then just exited the dojo and called a cab to take me to the hospital where Samantha worked as a nurse. With the quiet car ride in the cab was I always one my feet of what happened half a hour ago.
When the cab driver told me to get out of the cab did I exit it as fast as I could paying the cab fee. I then entered the hospital looking around like a maniac ready to murder someone. The first place where I searched was walking up and down through the long stretched out hallways. I then entered a storage room full of documents and files. As I walked past the tall storage racks did I hear something behind me. The whole scenery was dank and there were no windows because the place was in it middle of the hospital. There was about a light here and there hanging. I then just walked further on but as I walked did I feel a chill come down my spine. I then immediately looked behind me only to see nothing but a dangling light from the ceiling. I then just looked in front of me going deeper into the room full of storage racks. I the heard some whispering my name softly in my ear. I then turned around again but nothing was found as frightened as I got did I just keep on proceeding. I then just walked past and heated a sinister voice whispering get out. I just shook it off and thought it was nothing but I one of the light started to flicker. I tried to ignore this feeling that something sinister was going to happen but I couldn't get it off only to be pushed back and fall. I then just stood up and looked around me. When I looked in front of me I saw a man in a black robe. I then got scared and fell back again on the ground. He then came closer to me as I got away from it. I eventually got up and turned back and ran. The man then somehow pushed me and fast my feet weren't even touching the ground by this point. By 4th end time I got on my feet was I already at the door where I came into the storage room. When the man gave me one more push out of the door where I then hutted my head against the wall only to pass out.

I then woke up on a hospital bed feeling dizzy. Samantha then walked into the room in her nurse uniform. I asked her where she has been the whole day and she replied by saying she was with a friend for the day until she heard of what happened to me

Me and Samantha then walked out of the hospital together. She then drove me to my house in her white Maturi Suzukicar with lightly tinted windows. Sat in the back seats so that I could sleep in the back. When we came to my house Didi Samantha look nervous and sweaty to go inside. I then climbed out of the car and went inside. I offered her if she wanted coffee and come inside. With a huge gentle smile inside she say yes and came inside.

Samantha's POV

As I walked into the haunted mansion known for years could I feel the anger of the spirits. I must help David to survive here or else who will. David was now busy to put in filters for the coffee but I then saw a eye between the lower cabinet and fridge. I then knew who it was and I had to take action suddenly because David could of seen the girl in the gap before. As David turned around did I stick my hand in the gap where the girls eye was peeking through and then felt hair, only to be pulled out only to see the girl in the gaps full body I then dragged her around the corner kicking her on the knee. I then told her to beat it with a sinister reply of the girl saying no.

Comment any mistakes I have made in the chapter thanks!!

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