"I-I see. So am I right to assume that you would not interfere?" he said as he was slightly sweating.

"Hm. Yes I  will not interfere in your plans." Indra smiled like a Cheshire Cat.

For some reason when he said that, he didn't believe it but he shrugged it off as his imagination going wild, I mean he couldn't possibly kill them all. Right? It's impossible...no one would have that much power...right?

Oh how wrong he was...

Indra smirked wickedly at his thoughts. "Until next time Souske Aizen."

Soul Society

As soon as Indra said that, Aizen felt a pull and later found himself in soul society in his barracks. 

How the hell did I get here?! How does he know where I live?! thought Aizen.

"Captain Aizen, there's a meeting, it's concerning Rukia Kuchiki." said his lieutenant, Momo Hinamori.

Aizen put up his fake gentle small and looked at her. "I see thank you. I'll be right there."

"Um sure!" she quickly bowed and left. Aizen's face fell to his normal expression as he thought about the encounter between Indra Kurosaki.

"He's a very interesting individual." he said to himself.

"Oh who is?" said Gin as he came in to the room.

"Gin, what are you doing here?"

"Hm. who were you talking about?"

"Indra Kurosaki."



"Isn't he, that Ryoka's older brother or something?"


"What's so strange about him?"

"Well, for one, he's exactly like me."

"In what way if I may ask?"

Please don't tell me I have to be careful of him too?! One madman is enough we don't need two! thought Gin worriedly.

Aizen smirked. "In every way, that is almost scary. And he's very well guarded. Also I found something quite interesting about him."

"Oh and what's that?"

Aizen frowned. "The effects of my Zanpakuto does not work on him."


That's just great, we have someone who is probably stronger than him and that's saying something! thought Gin.

"He has some sort of a dimension, that he can only enter. He also stated that not even the Soul King can enter his realm." Aizen continued on.


"Yes, very. Also, when he took me there, there was something strange and powerful about that place."

"And what's that?"

"Well for one thing, the moon was red with nine tomoes and the sky was red as well. There was also a strange symbol of a crescent moon and a sun, on the house that he took me into. It even gave me the chills. A lot of power was radiating of the moon and that symbol. And there is something that intrigues me even more."

"What could possibly be more interesting than what you've just told me?"

Aizen furrowed his brows and frowned. "Well, It felt like hours when I was in his dimension and when I came out of it felt like just a second has passed."

"Is he going to interfere with your plans?"


"What! But isn't he like one of the good guys or something?!"

"Honestly, he's insane and he hides that fact very well."

"Insane? like literally insane?!"

"Yes. From what he told me, he only wants to watch on the sidelines however, he'll interfere when something involves him or whatever he has planned."

"Couldn't you find anything by looking at him?"

"No, as I said before, his acting is even better than mine. He has even got Urahara and his family fooled."

"Very interesting."

"Yes, well we have to go to the meeting."

What they didn't notice was the crow that was sitting on the wooden fence with sharingans spinning wildly.

I was right...things are getting interesting. and judging by the meeting that they're having, it's probably regarding that Shinigami girl. Everything's going according to plan. Let's see how well you dance, Aizen Souske! thought Indra as he was still in his Kamui dimension. He smiled wickedly at the upcoming events that would soon change the lives of everyone in Karakura Town and The Soul Society.

Book 1: Indra's Return ✔️Where stories live. Discover now