chapter 1

46 0 2

Bella's prov

I wake up and head to the bathroom
Before let me give you a tour of the house so down stairs you have the front room which has a massive tv, play station, Wii, massive corner sofa and a couple of single chairs. Then the kitchen it has all the normal kitchen stuff like fridge, cooker it also has a massive table in the middle with a sink and some cupboards underneath it. Then there's a downstairs toilet and sink and back garden. As you go up stairs if u go all the way down to the last door on the left that's my brother corbyns room then the room on the other side all the way down the hallway on the right side is my room which I share with Grant my twin brother we have the biggest room as we have to share due to there only being 2 bedrooms in my bedroom is a massive walk in closet and an onsuit there is also a massive bathroom up stairs. Back to the story I wake up and head to my bathroom I hop in the shower and then get changed into this

 Back to the story I wake up and head to my bathroom I hop in the shower and then get changed into this

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I walk back into my bed room

Grant: morning

Me: morning you ok

Grant: yeah why you up and ready so early

Me: I'm meeting with some friends today

Grant: can i come I've got nothing to do all day

Me: sure

Grant: wait who's coming

Me: tayson, Jon, Scarlett, Jonas and bryce

Grant: so everyone

Me: basically now hurry up and get ready if u want to come with us i haven't seen tayson in a long time i miss him to much

Grant: ooOoOOooO tayson hey would never had imagined it

Me: noooo Grant I just haven't seen him in a long time i miss him to much we're just friends

Grant: alright alright

So I go walk over to corbyns room and knock on the door

Corbyn: whattt (he moans)

Me: just letting you know me and thingy are going out now to meet with our friends will be back later tonight

Corbyn: what friends you don't have any

Me: such up yes I do

Corbyn: bye love u sis now let me sleep

Me: alright bye then love u 2

*****in town*****

Me and Grant walk into Starbucks were we are ment to meet the others turns out we were 15 mins early better then being late

Me: want a drink twinsy

Grant: I'm good thanks

Me: u sure

Grant: yeah

Me and Grant sit down on one of the sofas messing around like twins usually would playfully fighting and making fun of each other. 

It was a good 5 minutes before anyone turnt up

Me: Grant stoppp it

Grant: not until u give me my phone back

Me: never (I laugh)

Grant: then I will forever keep tickling you

Me: stop it u hoe (I laugh)

Jon: that's the laugh I've missed

I give him his phone back and get up

Grant: finally

Me: Joonn (I shout running over to him)

I give him a quick hug before sitting back down

Jon: how you been belle (his nickname for me)

Me: good thanks (I smile)

Jon: hey Grant i wasn't expecting you to come but all the better

Grant: hey Jon

It was another minute before the rest started to turn up. I felt a pair of warm hands cover my face I giggle already knowing who it is

Person: guess who (the person said in a weird voice)

Me: let me guess........tayson (I smile)

Tayson: how did u know so quickly

Me: I would never forget those hands of yours there always so warm

I get up of the sofa and embrace him with a hug I didn't seem to want to let go.

Me: I've missed you (I whisper)

Tayson: yeah and I've missed you the most don't tell Scarlett (he whispers back)

We both laugh

Me: I won't don't worry

Grant: that's enough guys don't want to be here all day watching you two make out

Me: heyyy (I say playfully punching him in the arm)

****after everyone arrives****

Scarlett: should we go to the shops

Jonas: yeah sure

Bryce: yeah

We all leave Starbucks and head to the mall that's nearby bryce, Scarlett and jonas were out in front while me, tayson, Grant and Jon were in following behind

Me: omg we need to go to lush

Grant: your always in there

Me: yeah because it smells so good

Jon: well we also need to go to Calvin Klein

Tayson: yesss that's one of my favourite shops

Grant: yeah they sell the best boxers there so comfy

Me: yeah well now you've said that I'm forcing you to come with me to Victoria secret

Grant: that shop it's so weird and girly

Me: yeah well it's the only girly girly  shop I like plus they sell the best bras (I laugh)

Tayson: I think it's cute

Grant: yeah of course you would

Tayson: shut up (he says blushing)

Jon: aww you like her

Tayson: shhh

Me: Jon I'm right here you know

Jon: I'm fully aware (he said messing my hair up)

Me: come on let's go to lush

Word count: 892

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