Starved| Joseph Seed

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Joseph Seed x Deputy (Bunker ending, Spoilers [Possible Trigger Warning, sorta violence, and Joseph's probably OOC and i'm sorry if he is :') ]

The world was on fire and it chewed at the shell of a human you were. Your fault, should've walked away, but no, you had to play hero.
You know Joseph hates taking care of you, but he does it anyways. He's taken to forcing food down your throat because you refuse to take it from him, it's not easy, and of all things he refuses to let you die. He keeps you restrained to the bedroom because the last time he let you wander behind him you tried to sneak into the armoury. Your intentions weren't something he knew, but he knew it could not have been good. He would sit and read to you, trying to make you talk to him, and it seemed to be driving him insane not getting a casual snarky comeback from you or a resentful yell. He hated how silent you were being, but as much as that annoyed him, the constant noise he made bothered you. He was always talking or humming or singing or- anything. He was never quiet and it gave you a headache. Not just simple headaches, but migraines. However you wouldn't give him the pleasure of being asked for something, no, you often found ways to make him worry and get what you needed for you. It was how you both lived for the first three months before he stopped upon realising your tactics. He had managed to read out of the Book Of Joseph to you three times in total, and a lot of the time you fell asleep while he did so. It didn't take long, but you eventually started to become ill more often, crying out and screaming in the middle of the night because of how much it hurt or the need to hurl.
You knew Joseph Seed was a monster, but each time he came to clean you up and treat you. Joseph had realised you were a shell of a human being and he knew exactly why. You had your freedom completely stripped and your dignity strewn before you. You had no-one but him and vice-versa. As of now his only goal is to get you to speak to him, to tell him your name, to tell him about yourself, to have a proper conversation was all he asked, but he knew there were only two or three ways to get that out of you. First he tried to coax you to tell him what you wanted to eat, second he tried to ask about your family [Which only made you cry], and finally he tried threatening you. It took him awhile to realise, but he supposed if you were hungry enough you would scream for him. That brings us to now, of course...

If you hadn't known the definition of hunger when Jacob starved you-you sure as hell did now. You had cried so hard your eyes were sunken and your body screamed for food or water. You had no clue how long it had been since Joseph came in to feed you, but by now you were sure he was dead and you were stuck to starve to death. You had cried a lot in this time, begging whatever god to end your suffering, and they seemed to refuse you safety. If Joseph was still alive then this was cruel, he was easy with you at first, but this was ridiculous. At the moment though that's not what you were focused on, you knew Joseph wanted you to call out for him to feed you or bring you water, and you figured this was how a plant felt when it was dying. You had tried once or twice to scream out, but only sobs came out. You sat and tried, as hard as you could to scream, but only to get garbled cries or pained yelps. Your head leant back against the bed frame and you tried again, only to be faced with failure again, and upon trying again you managed a short scream and a cut-off. You couldn't, you just- couldn't. Until your stomach decided to clench in pain again and in that moment you really did scream ,in horror, or maybe it was just desperation. Joseph you figured heard your scream as his humming soon began and you began to choke and sob, he was still alive yes, but he took the time to starve you. Just to hear you scream. God if you could have seen your face when he came in with a can and a spoon, you didn't pay mind to his appearance, the fact he was clean shaven and taken care of and well fed while you looked like a opossum who had been dragged through mud. You just wanted food. Joseph had almost had to yank the spoon away at how bad you wanted a simple can of tasteless beans. He seemed pleased that you didn't reject the offering, but he knew you'd still be hungry after this, and likely to start begging. You on the other hand planned to sleep after food, it was an overwhelming feeling that made you wish for rest, the warm meal made it worse as now you wanted to sleep even more. His eyes bore into your head as he watched you eat, amused at when you whined as he was feeding you too slow, and in a way you reminded him of his flock. The way they hungered for his words or to be fed the words he spoke- and he loved the feeling of having control again. When the can was empty he had set it aside and moved to remove the binds that held you to the post, which surprised you- and he stood back up and just watched you, waiting.
At this point you knew you couldn't stand on your own, so your hands and arms rose as they could towards his an almost pleading look in your dull eyes.

Yes, you looked like a opossum, but he supposed that you were his opossum.

1036 words.
Okay so The prologue of QUANDARY is out! I'm sorry it took me so long to get it out, but I hope you guys will enjoy it.
Also, if you notice any errors in my writing I won't mind you to correct me.

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