35. Discovering The Pastas On The Web

Start from the beginning

Out of amusement, you showed all the pastas. All the males scrunched their face up in disgust as the girls shifted uncomfortably.

"What's wrong with the fan fiction? It's kinda cool that they write about us." Sally said, not knowing about the 'sensual' part of the works of fiction since your father had shielded you and her from it.

All the pastas just shiver and Hoodie says. "We just don't really bring up the... uhh fanfiction about us. It's kinda an unspoken rule." He nodded to himself, satisfied by his choice of words.

You didn't talk about it after that. Almost a little afraid stories like that would be made about you if you stuck your nose too far in it.

Ticci Toby

You and he were just sitting peacefully one day, you had something disturbing on your mind. Your father could tell, the aura around you was one of confusion.

"J-just spit it... it out." Your father finally sighed, giving you the opportunity to finally ask.

"Are you gay?"

It was so straightforward it made your father choke on his own spit. "W-What?"

"I found you on the internet, it was titled, Ticci Toby's Diary. It made it seem like you had a crush on Ben."

"Why would... would you believe the internet, t-trust everything you read?"

"Because Jeff wrote it. I assumed he stole your diary or something." You shrugged. A little embarrassed for asking now, you just had to be sure though.


Bloody Painter

Your father was an artist. It was only natural for you to google his name to see if he was well known.

You had been right, as you typed his name, although several suggestions told you he was famous... just for something totally different than what you had in mind.

You confronted him. He was confused as you stared him, troubled.

"Bloody Painter?" You asked in an uneasy tone.

He paled. "I see you found...that..."

"Your name must be really common, There's a bunch of stories with your name." You obliviously claimed. "I was hoping I'd find your art on there but there was too much 'Bloody Painter' crap in the feed so I gave up." You shrugged.

Your father breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's with all the smut though? It's weird reading it with your name in it." You lastly said before turning to leave.

"Wha... Why are you reading smut in the first place?!...(Y/N)?!"


Your father was having a good day. We were all having a good day. That was until you approached him in the middle of the day. Confused and a little disturbed.

"Why are there 12-year-olds lusting after you on the internet?"

As I said, everyone was having a good day up until that point.

You could see your father shudder even in his spirit form. "I have no idea."

You gave him an incredulous look. "So you don't know about the thousands of fanfictions written about you?"

"Well, I kinda didn't want to know but now you ruined my peace of mind. Thanks." Your father left you and you grinned.

"You're welcome, Daddy."

Homicidal Liu

Your father had just gotten home when a shoe met his head. "Ouch! What in the?..."

Your father's eyes landed on you, you were a mixture of hurt and anger. "Why didn't you tell me you had a brother! I have an uncle!" You wildly waved your arms around, a method to your madness.

"What? How did you find out?" Your father took a second too long to realize he made a mistake. Admitting it was the truth.

You shout a cry that was mocking as you caught him. Pointing your finger at him. "So the internet was right! Jeff The Killer really is your brother!" Suddenly, you were calm. You relaxed and your hands fell to your sides. "...Cool..." You turned at walked away.

"Whaa..." Your father was beyond confused.

You think your daughter/son has Jeff's psychopathic tendencies too? Sully asked him.

Your father really wanted to slap Sully so much that he really did. Meaning he slapped himself mindlessly and Sully mockingly laughed.


Crap... my writing is crap. Totally picked on Jeff this whole chapter lmao

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