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It was morning and I was still feeling butterflies after yesterday... It was so soft and gentle but still so passionate and filled with love! When we got back, I could see Taehyung Oppa narrowing his eyes and giving creepy suspicious glances towards me and Namjoon. All of BTS and all of us girls were there to drop Eui off at the bus stop so she could return to Daegu for a month. Apparently, her mother was ill... Get well soon Eui's mother!

After that, Namjoon and Taetae-Oppa both dropped me to my own dorm and left soon after. I was alone for a while so I decided to scroll through the internet, looking for anything interesting to do. A while later, Young-il arrived with her boyfriend. I wished I wasn't there...

"Oppa! Come on! I doubt my stupid roommate would be there anyway! She's never slept in here at all-Oh, Mi-Hi? You're here!" She squeaked as she opened the door.

"Hello! If you want to use the room, go ahead. I don't mind heading out," I offered, wondering why I did so.

"Oh, would you? Young and I were wanting to spend some time with each other! Hey, I haven't introduced the two of you, have I?" She continued, dragging her boyfriend into the room. Did she say his name was Young? It couldn't be...Could it?

I looked up and gulped. It was him. Young. Mongdal's closest friend. Young. "Pleased to make your acquaintance," He greeted, an icy glare frozen on me. I looked down and returned the greeting.

"Good to meet you... I should get going," I said hurriedly. I grabbed my laptop bag and made sure my phone and some books were in there and I headed out but not before I saw the smirk on Young's face. I shivered as I closed the door behind me.

For some reason, I was shocked and stood still outside my room for a while long enough to hear what Young said to his girlfriend.

"Do you know who she is?" He asked.

"No, apart from the fact that she's my age, has a boyfriend and is currently my roommate, nothing," She replied.

"That girl was Mongdal's toy," Young.

"Mongdal? Your...?" Young-Il

"Listen, I want you to do exactly as I tell you to," Young.

"Anything Oppa!" Young-Il.

"I want you...break...apart...hell..." Young.

Their whispered conversation snapped me into reality as I walked out of the building. I was going to catch a bus to Bangtan's dorm, since it was dark and I didn't want to walk, therefore my thoughts kept me company. Who was Young-Il really? What were the two planning and why? Am I going to end up in a situation? It had then occurred to me- He wants revenge! He's been quiet for so long and now he's going to use Young-Il to get what he wants. I began to run, passing the bus stop and heading straight for the building in which my brother lived in.
I rung the doorbell and heard shuffling. Jhope came down, his hair ruffled and in his robes.

"Mi-Hi? What are you doing here? At this time too?" He asked, letting me in and taking my bag.

"Sorry, but I really need to talk to my brother... He won't answer his phone," I replied. He smiled at me and led me to a sleeping Taehyung. I shook him but he didn't get up. I tried calling him. No reply. I sighed before I took a step away........ before jumping on top of him.

"Eh????? Mi-Hi???!! What are you doing!???" He yelled as he sat up.

"Oppa, I need your help. Please?" I said, quietly. He seemed to have understood that It was urgent because he pulled me under the covers with him.

"Spill," He said.

"I think... I think my roommate isn't going to be a pleasant one to be with. You remember Mondal's friend, Young, right?" He nodded, a little, "Well, my roommate is his girlfriend. And I kinda overheard them talking about stuff and it sounded pretty bad. I could only make out the words break, apart and hell, but I know that something's going to happen. That and I need a place to sleep tonight because I stupidly offered them the entire room for the night..." I finished off, a bit sheepish about the last part. Oppa forced me to lie down and did the same himself, before pulling the covers over us, like he used to do when we were kids.

"It'll be fine. And you can sleep with me anytime you want, Dongsaeng!" He said.

I nodded and we talked for a bit before he had nodded off to sleep and I soon followed. My last thoughts were when and where all of this will end- and how it would end, too. Why did I end up in this position?

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