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A/N: I wanna apologise for the previous chapter because it was extremely messy and random. 


SUMMARY: So far, Mongdal, the antagonist for the first part, is now locked away, so he's out of the picture after the vacation, the two girls, Mi-Hi and Cho returned to live in their dorms at their college and became good friends with Eui, Areum and Sora. The girls still go to BTS' dorm, but not as much as they used to. Cho has her own secrets which will be revealed in either this chapter or the next but pretty soon either way.

(You can skip this next bit if you want to)
Hopefully, that cleared up some confusion. I wanted to just do a small chapter on the girls together because they're going to be important. Also, what V was trying to ask Namjoon and Mi-Hi as well as what Mi-Hi told RM are also really important... So yeah, I'll just stop now and continue with the chapter. ENJOY~

We were currently at school having lunch. I didn't want to go anywhere so we decided just to stay in our room. Her birthday was in a couple of days and I needed to get her a present- I know what I'm gonna get her but I just don't know how to get her anything without her finding.

"Hey, Mi-HI? Do you have any plans for, I don't know, the day after tomorrow?" Cho asked as I threw my napkin in the bin.

I swallowed the last bite of my food, "Actually, sorry but I do. Me, Oppa and Namjoon were called by their manager... I'm not sure why though..." I said quickly. Actually, we were going to surprise her. The three of us were going to make sure she got to their dorms on time while the rest of the guys, Sora-Unnie and Areum were going to set everything up. I was supposed to distract her until Namjoon and Oppa were ready to help.

"Oh. What about tomorrow?" She continued to ask.

"Maybe... Oh, wait. I was supposed to help Eui with her camera and-"

"Alright! You have plans! You could have just said that!" She said, throwing her wrappers in the bin and putting her shoes on. She looked at her phone before walking to the door and walking out, "I need to see someone. If you're going to go to the dorms today then go without me. But that won't be a problem, will it? You've been spending so much time without me I'm beginning to wonder whether you want me around anymore," And with that, she slammed the door and left. I flinched and sighed, holding my head in my hands. I didn't mean to upset her. And it was only part of the surprise! Cho! I don't hate you!


My phone began to ring and I picked it up.

"where are you?" Tae-Oppa asked.

"In my room. Why?" I replied.

"Where's Cho?" Oppa.

"She needed to meet up with one of her classmates." Me.

"Are you alone? Is there anyone in your room with you?" Oppa.

"No one is here. I'm by myself." Me.

"Ok, open your door, me and Hyung are outside." Oppa. I facepalmed myself and got up to open the door. Just like he said, the two were there with face masks and sunglasses.

"You could've just knocked, you know," I said, letting them in.

"I tried but he brought his water guns with him," Namjoon smiled.

"What? I wanted to make sure she was alone!" Taehyung-Oppa said as he held me in a headlock.

"So, when are you going to get her present?" Namjoon asked, pulling us apart.

"You haven't gotten her one yet? Don't you think it's a bit late? Well, I got her one already so I'm good!" Oppa said bouncing on my bed.

"Oppa, if you don't stop I'll make sure you clean up this entire room," I smiled before continuing, "Well, Eui was going to come with me tomorrow and then I could sneak over to drop it off when Cho and I sleep over at Eui's place tomorrow. Is that alright?"

"Do you want me to come? We're pretty much free for the next few days," Namjoon offered but I shook my head.

"No, you guys are in charge of food and cake and Sora and Areum are going to help with the decoration. You'll be busy enough as it is," I declined. He nodded. We spent a while going over details before Cho came back. She looked kind of shaken.

"Mi-Hi, can I talk to you- Why are they here?" She exclaimed as she saw our two guests.

"Eh? Choo Choo train! Are you not happy to see me? Waeeeeeee?" Oppa whined as he picked her up and sat down on her bed.

"No, it just took me by surprise... That's all" She smiled, shifting a bit before snuggling down.

"You wanted to tell me something?" I asked, still worried she was mad from earlier.

"Later..." She said a look of sadness hit her eyes. She replaced the look with a smile before we all continued to talk about random stuff.
Once the guys had gone, I saw Cho fiddling with her phone while looking out of the window.
"Okay, what's wrong? You've been acting like something is on your mind. Tell me, please?" I told her, sitting opposite her, easing the device out of her fingers.

"Mi-Hi, I'm the one acting up? Are you serious? You've been acting like you'd rather hang out with everyone who's not me! The only times I've seen you this past couple of weeks is in class or when you're asleep! So you tell me, do you not want to be friends anymore?!" She burst to cry. I hugged her and continued to hold on, despite her protests.

"Do you hear yourself? I wouldn't ever stop wanting to be your friend. You've been there for me when no one else has! Don't think that just because I haven't been around lately, I'm avoiding you! Trust me, Cho, I would never do anything like what you're suggesting!" I whispered. She started crying. I let her cry as I stroked her head soothingly.

"I'm sorry Mi-Hi! I'm Sorry!" She sobbed, "If something happens in two days time, then please promise me something," I was confused as she pulled away. I nodded anyway, "Promise me that if anything happens, you'll not do anything to yourself knowingly. And that you'll look at the latest video on my phone?"

"Cho, I promise but what's going on? Look, you've been so secretive and stressed out, I'm worried... please tell me...."

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Just be happy!" She smiled and hugged me. "Hey, could you get me some cookies from the vending machine? The ones I always take?"

"Ok," I agreed and went down to get them. When I came back up, the girl was asleep. I placed her covers over her before climbing into my own bed.
The next day, I and Eui had gone to get the present. It was a bracelet that matched my own and one that she'd been dying to get for a while now. I also chose it because it would go well with Taehyung-Oppa's present.

"Hey, Mi-Hi-chan?" I looked at Eui, "Do you think that... nightmares are something to be scared of?" She asked.

"Well, it depends. Some nightmares, you know aren't real but you get scared anyway. I think that you should be scared of things as long as you know that the thing you should fear the most if being kept behind by those fears. Does that help you?" I replied. She nodded and thanked me before we continued on our way to her house.

"Cho-chan is going to meet us there, right? We should drop these off at bangtan's dorm," She suggested on the bus home. I agreed and that's exactly what we did.

I spent the rest of the day with the rest of the days. We had recently met a famous chef and Bangtan's health and fitness advisor, so we all wanted to get to know each other more. We were busy in Eui's house, baking treats and getting our beds ready. We all smirked at each other, all except Cho, knowing that tomorrow was going to be filled with surprises

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