Chp 3

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He shyly put his arms around my waist and hugged back. I smiled at him then walked over to Selena(my sister) and got in the car. "Was that Aaron?" She asked looking over at him as he walked to his truck. "Ya how did you know?" "Well he's a junior I'm a junior, didn't you used to be in love with him?" "Ya. Why didn't you ever tell me he went to this school?!" "I didn't think you would care." We were pulling out of the school and we met a truck. They honked and I looked over and saw Seth waving. I turned and made a face at him then waved back. He made a pig face then we drove off. "Your first day in high school and Seth Waters is waving at you, and your hugging Aaron Carpenter." I smiled at the thought of him. "Ohh! Sabrina's got a crush Sabrina's got a crush." She said laughing. "Shut up." I said shaking my head and looking out the window. I got home, took a shower and went to sleep. The next day I woke up to my phone ringing. "Hello?" I asked picking it up. "Oh you were asleep... Maybe I should call back la-" "Aaron it's fine." "How did you know it was me?" "I love your voice." I blurted out. Shit Sabrina why did you say that I thought. "T-thank you I guess." I could feel his nervous smile. "So what did you want?" "Oh I-I remembered." "Great what was it?" "I-I was wondering if, if maybe you w-wanted to hang out." "Okay." I answered back. "R-really?" "Ya." I said with a little laugh. "What do you want to do?" "Whatever you want to." "Lake?" "Aaron it's like 60 outside and raining." I said laughing. "I-I knew that. Movies?" "Okay that sounds a lot better." "Want me to pick you up in about an hour?" "Sure." "Okay bye." "Bye." "Selena help!!!" I yelled. She ran in "what?" "Just got asked to the movies and I have less than an hour, I have nothing to wear!" "I've got this!" She ran in her room and started tearing through her clothes. I fixed my hair and put some light makeup on. "Here." I heard Selena say. "Um no... I'm not as skinny as you that would look like crap on me." "No you're wearing it!" She said handing the outfit to me. I put on high waisted short shorts with the pockets hanging out the bottom, a crop top that said 'if only', and my converse. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I looked fat as a cow. "Oh my god yes." She said smiling. "No I'm a whale." I started to head to my closet, then I heard a knock at the door. "Your date is here." She said smiling. "No Selena!" She turned and started to run. We ran down the stairs. I beat her and put my back to the door. "You open this door and your dead! Let me go change." "Ok..." I started walked away from the door, then I heard it open. "Hello, she's ready come in." I looked back and Aaron was looking at me. "H-hey." I said turning around. "H-hi. You look beautiful." He said smiling his nervous smile. I felt my cheeks burning.

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