Please Be Mine (Part 2)

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Paul and I were alone, his family was out of town, so who was at the door? I watched as Paul reluctantly stood up and went to the door. He opened the door with a smile and none other than George Harrison walked in. Of course, it's normal for a guy to visit his best mate who's going through a rough time, no need to get jealous. But the way George glared when he saw me on the couch was quite suspicious. I sat up and smiled at him regardless. 

"I'll go make something to eat, any requests?" Paul asked, disappearing into the kitchen. George spoke up, "Maybe just some sandwiches." Paul nodded and got to work. I patted the spot next to me, ushering for George to sit by me, which he did. "What brings you here George?" I asked. "Heard Paul was in a rough spot, thought I'd be his shoulder to cry on but it seems like you beat me to it." We both laughed, but I could tell we both forced it out. Before I was about to challenge George I was interrupted. Paul handed a sandwich to us and an open bottle of Coke. I took a few swigs of my drink, food made by Paul was better than any other food I've tasted. I finished my food and Paul flipped on the telly, of course the news was broadcasting a memorial for the poor high school girls that died, the ones I killed. Paul gasped and immediately turned off the telly, George was quick to scoop up Paul and comfort him, Paul was sobbing harshly at this point. I felt bad that I was the reason Paul felt this way but it was good because now he belonged to me, though George was acting strange.

"Aye Lenny, maybe you can go get some treats for the princess?" George said with a sinister smile. I shrugged and went out to my car, I knew exactly which candy and such that Paul liked, maybe I'd get him some flowers too. Being the paranoid person I was, I checked my car first, George was acting really strange and I didn't trust it. I found the problem after a few minutes though, the brakes were cut. How stupid, he'd kill me and possibly other innocent bystanders, what an idiot. I thought I would be a bad friend though if I came back empty-handed so I started walking to the corner store. While I was buying candy and crisps and soda, I thought about getting a special treat for George, one with extra rat poison. I decided against it though, if I killed George I would want it to be fair, one-on-one. I went to the cashier and purchased everything. After walking back to the McCartney house, I opened the door to see George cuddling Paul, my Paul. I set the bags down and threw a pre-made sandwich at George to wipe the dumb smile off of his face. He may be cuddling with Paul but I've already had a taste of him.

Paul smiled and grabbed a bottle of coke and a chocolate bar from one of my bags. After a minute of Paul struggling to open the glass bottle, he handed it to me. "Can you open it for me Johnny?" He gave it to me, not Harrison, a small victory. I ripped the aluminum top off with my teeth and handed it back to Paul.

After some time, Paul fell asleep on the couch in a cute little ball, George however was on his third sandwich. "How's it taste lad?" I asked him. He cocked an eyebrow and looked at me. "Y'know after cutting someone's brakes you should check any food they give you." I smiled and his face fell. I pulled the switch blade from the younger boy's pocket and waved it in his face, "You made yourself pretty obvious Georgie, and I wouldn't mess with the boy who's already gotten away with murder four times." His jaw fell open, "You poisoned me, didn't you Lennon?" He asked, his eyes filled with fear. "Not this time Georgie, I'll fight you fair in square because I like you."

"Why'd you try to kill me? What's your motive Harrison?" I asked, genuinely curious. He swallowed, "I noticed how much time you've been spending with Paul, and the way you two look at each other. It makes my blood boil, he's my friend not yours!" he yelled the last part and I jumped to cover his mouth. "Shhhhhh, we don't want to wake Paul." I whispered. His expression softened and I sat back down. "So you've got it bad for Macca too?" I asked.  He looked at Paul and nodded. I felt bad for the poor boy, he loved Paul like I do but I'm gonna have to kill Paul's best mate. "Let's go put Paul in bed, we can sleep down here, or you could have the guest room if you want?" I offered. "I'll sleep down here with you John." I nodded and picked up Paul's sleeping body and carried him upstairs, George following behind. Gently, I laid Paul down in his bed and George wrapped the blankets around him, giving a light kiss on the forehead. I could see sadness in his eyes, I think he knew he was going to die, it was quite sad really. I gave George a tight hug as he tried to leave the room. "Sleep on the floor in here you sod." I whispered to him. He smiled and got a spare blanket and pillow and laid with them on the floor. We said goodnight to each other then I went to lay on the couch in the living room.

I woke up next morning to the smell of tea and the sound of the telly. Paul was sitting in a rocking chair, drinking tea and watching the news. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Good morning." I said quietly. He jumped a little and he looked at me, "Morning John." He smiled and joined me on the couch. I softly kissed his cheek and I noticed his blush. "We're not starting today like we did yesterday Johnny." He whispered, causing me to chuckle. I got up and went to the kitchen and began to cook eggs while Paul followed me and boiled more water to make tea for all of us. Just as we were finishing, George came downstairs with messy hair and disheveled clothes. Paul giggled at the peculiar sight, normally George was well put together, this didn't even seem like the boy I spoke with last night.

George sat at the kitchen table and I put out three omelettes on the table and Paul poured the tea and stirred in some sugar. We all ate silently before George spoke up. "We should go on a train ride somewhere." I took our plates and out them in the sink while Paul and George talked. "Where would we go George?" "Maybe out to London." He suggested. "What would we do there?" Paul rebutted. George only shrugged, "Go shopping maybe." We both knew that Paul couldn't resist shopping for clothes, he was a very fashion-forward fellow. "Alright I guess we can go, I'll get my wallet."

We got to the train station and only had enough for one ticket. "Paul should take a seat in the train car. We'll see you around Paulie." I said with a wink, taking George and heading towards a cargo car. We hopped in when nobody was looking and I could see he was dismayed. "I guess this is the end of the line for one of us." He said with nervous laughter. I peeked out of the car and saw Paul getting his ticket punched outside. The train howled loudly when everyone was on and then it lurched forward and we were moving. About halfway through the trip was silent for George and I, and then I realized if I was going to kill him it was now or never. I jumped on top of him and began pushing him towards the open door. He gave a hard blow to my jaw and as I stumbled backwards he tried to shove me out, we collapsed and he began to strangle me. If I didn't figure something out quickly I was bound to die. So I did the only thing I could think of, I kicked him, hard. He fell off of me, and he also fell out of the train. I quickly stood up, completely shocked. I watched his body tumble down into a ditch, he seemed like a rag doll and I was so relieved that he didn't fall onto the tracks, I don't like bloody deaths. It seems too cruel, even for me. George's crumpled body got smaller and smaller with the distance between us. This was the only murder I regret. I liked George, he was a good friend, and he was the best mate of Paul. Paul would need me with him for a few days. I can't lie, I cried for a little while before sneaking into the car Paul was in.

Paul was asleep in his seat and a group of birds had their eyes on him. I sat next to Paul, wrapped an arm around him, and flipped off the girls with my other hand. Of course, that got them to stop, I always get what I want.

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