Chapter One:

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Hi so this is my Malec Fanfic.  It does have some mature scenes please read the description.  Thanks hope you enjoy I'm rewriting it on my second account @an0nymouswrit3r so yeah.


I kneeled in Magnus's bathroom groaning and trying to get the Iratze to work.

I'd traced the rune plenty of time and now I was stabbing my arm with my Stele trying to get it to work desperately.  It was starting to hurt and that was relief enough.

"Alexander you've been in there for ten minutes what are you doing?" I heard Magnus shout from outside blantenly getting annoyed.

Starting to panic I dragged a black hoodie from the wash bin. I'd worn it all that week.  Shrugging it on I pushed the scissors up my sleeve and flushed the toilet unaffectively then running the tap. 

"Mags, " I smiled and kissed him as I walked out.

"Alec are you ok? " He asked genuine concern in his eyes.

I nodded and planted another kiss on his perfectly styled hair.
"Fine, "

I walked into our bedroom and pushed the scissors in the wardrobe as Magnus walked in and shut the door. 

"You've been distant lately, " He said walking up to me and held my hands tightly. 
"Stop worrying, " I whispered cupping his face as he placed his hands on mine. 

He raised an eyebrow and kissed me. His hands on the fresh cuts.  They started to burn with the pressure.

I pulled away first and moved my hands when my phone beeped. 

Behemoths Institute now

"Behemoth demons." I smiled innocently and started walking towards the door.

Magnus growled grabbing my wrist. It burned and I held in a yelp "be careful." He handed me my bow and arrows.
"When am I ever not? " I smiled leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips "I'll be home before you know it. "

Jogging to the Institute was slow but I needed to be alone for the twenty minutes it took me to jog.

"Jace, " I said as I stepped through the Institute doors as he threw me a knife. 

"Alec," He nodded back "we have three behemoth demons running wild around New York. We need to kill them before they kill any other Mundanes. Ok? "

Isabelle nodded as her whip curled around her dainty wrist. I nodded aswell and pulled my sleeve over the cuts on my own. 

They weren't going away with an Iratze. I knew why and I was starting to panic. I didn't want anyone worrying about me. However Magnus was worrying because I was being distant  I guess I just thought it would be better if I sectioned myself from anyone else. I was a disease.

Adjusting my bow on my back we headed out the Institute, Jace looked at me nervously.
"Are you ok?" He asked.  I smiled at him and nodded descreatly pulling down my sleeve slightly more.

Three behemoth demons attacked us when we where least expecting it. All three. Surprisingly I found them relitively easy to kill at a distance. 

Jace sprinted past and swung himself onto the unaware demon. As Isabelle used her whip and caught it's neck in a hold squeezing it.

I strung my bow smiling gently and closing one eye lining it up.
"Isabelle. " I muttered out the corner of my eye I saw her get thrown around as the behemoth took control of the whip "I got this, "

She was thrown away from the angry demon and Jace leaped off as I sent an arrow flying.

It hit target and the demon collapsed into a heap of Ichor and mess.

Jace sat up and groaned covered in Ichor and Isabelle rubbed her head unaffectively as I went and helped her to her feet.

She smiled and let me drag her up.  I did the same to Jace and we all walked back to the Institute.

When we arrived back I put my bow in the weapons room.

"Stay for dinner? " Isabelle asked.
"Oh... Clary wants to go out for dinner, " Jace said humbly

"Magnus will be expecting me home now, " I grinned escaping a near death.
Although I might not mind. 

I walked back to Magnus's house. When I arrived.  As I hoped nobody was in except the Chairman who was laying in a spot of sun lazily.

Walking into the bathroom I shrugged my black hoodie off and looked at the cuts along my arm nervously then I went to get the scissors.

Apair of scissors a 10 year old Mundane might use in school.

Taking the scissors up again I made another slice across my wrist. Blood purred from it and down my arm into my hand.  I shook looking at it seaping down my wrist.

Snapping out of my daydream I grabbed a wad of toilet paper and wrapped it around as the blood stained it. Then I pulled my hoodie back over and walked into the living room.

Making myself comfortable on the couch I pulled the chairman onto my chest delicately stroking him.
"Oh Chairman." I whispered to the cat.

Eventually I fell asleep and woke up when Magnus walked through the door with mass amount of new clothes.

I rolled from the beige couch and went to greet him. 

"Magnus, " I smiled and kissed him.
"You're home early I thought you'd be out late tonight? " He asked pulling me down onto the couch and kissing me again.
"Isabelle's cooking, " I laughed
"Oh, " He grinned at me.

He flicked on the TV.
"Chinese or Indian? " He asked as we made ourselves comfortable on the sofa. 
"Chinese, " I grinned as he clicked his fingers and my favourite takeaway was in front of us. 

"Love you," I smiled as I tucked into a spicy curry.

We sat watching the next episode of The Vampire Diaries.  My head was resting on Magnus's lap my right arm outstretched and my left curled into my body.

He stoked my hair letting it slip between hid fingers. Finally I fell asleep on his knee.

"Papa, Is daddy home yet? " A little voice called from the other room.
"Not yet.  He will be pumpkin, " Magnus smiled as a Blue skinned toddler walked through. He picked him up and snapped his fingers making some music come on. 

Old fashioned but good for dancing to. Magnus held the toddler and danced around the apartment with him laughing hysterically. 

"Magnus, Raphael!" A voice shouted. 
"There's daddy, " Magnus smiled and placed the younger warlock to the floor and walked up to 'me' and kissed me gently.

"Raphael was starting to wonder if you'd ever return, " He laughed as I picked up the toddler and swung him around affectionately.

When I woke up Magnus was carrying me into our room. When we arrived he placed me on the bed and pulled some jogging bottoms on.

I stripped into my boxers and pulled a long sleeve shirt on.

"Why the shirt?" He asked lifting it up.

"It's cold, " I lied and pushed him away gently and climbed on top of him.

I straddled his hips and kissed him delicately. My hand on his chest...

So this is the First chapter of my story I hope you enjoyed it and yeah stay tuned for more.


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