Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

My insides were frozen. Completely and utterly frozen. This was just my luck. Rosie Hastings, maid of Silver Lake’s sexy badass Ethan Carter. People at school would have a field day with this one. His eyes were filled with anger and resentment as they darted between Lucy, Park and myself.

‘Ethan don’t be so rude. This is Rosie. She’s our new maid that I was telling you about.’ Lucy scolded.

‘I know who she is Mom. I’m asking why the hell she’s in our kitchen!’

‘Calm down sweetie. She’s just the new maid.’ Lucy said soothingly but it didn’t seem to help matters much. I could see where this was going. I was going to be fired from my job before it even really started.

‘Mum! We cannot have her as our maid.’ He said. I ignored the hurt that coursed through my veins. I hated him. There was no reason to be hurt by his words.

‘Well…’ Lucy looked so lost that I felt sorry for her. She glanced between me and her son. I had trouble seeing the resemblance between them. She was so nice and caring, and he was so…him. ‘I guess if you are so opposed we could hire somebody else and help Rosie here find another job.’ She said, cupping her elbow in her hand and chewing her lip unsurely.

‘I was just wanting someone youthful like Rosie to act as an older sister figure for Park. I’m not around very much these days because of your father.’ She said, sadness filling her eyes. I peeked at Ethan and visibly watched his eyes soften. He glanced at me hesitantly, gears turning in his head.

‘No it’s okay Mom. Rosie can be the maid.’ He spoke my name with a poisonous tone. I resisted the urge to scowl at him. A bright smile leapt onto Lucy’s face.

‘Great! Well, I need to head off to meet your father at his office now, but here.’ She said, thrusting me an enveloped letter with my name. I peered up at her curiously. ‘It’s just a list of things you need to do and emergency contact numbers. Stuff like that.’ She said. I smiled and opened up that letter. Pulling out the contents, my eyes landed on a cheque.

As I stared at it, I felt my eyes widen and I glanced up from the two-hundred dollar cheque. ‘Is this my pay for the fortnight?’ I question. She shook her head.

‘Of course not. That’s today’s pay. I won’t be home in time to see you before you leave so I figured I’d just give it to you today.’ She said with a nod. I shook my head in disbelief.

‘Two-hundred dollars for one day?’ I exclaimed. ‘I used to only get twenty…’

Lucy grinned at me and nodded her head before kissing Park on the forehead. I glanced up at Ethan. He was staring at me with an emotion I couldn’t quite place. His attention was drawn away when Lucy pulled him into a hug. He smiled, hugging her back and placing a kiss on her forehead. I ducked my head, smiling to myself. It was quite cute seeing the school’s badass buckle at the knees around his mom.

I felt a tugging at my shirt and turned my attention to Park. She sent me a delighted grin. ‘Do you want to see my bedroom? I can even show you my dollhouse!’

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