Maid to be Yours

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Meet Rosie Hastings. Seventeen years old, easy on the eyes, normal… Well, that’s as far as the public eye can see. The thing is, Rosie has been through more in her life than most teenagers. Suffering a tragic past, Rosie and her twin brother Tyler are left to fend for themselves in a world that is so cruel. With little money, Rosie has to work her hardest just to afford the price of living. Tyler then lands her a job as the maid of her worst enemy – Ethan Carter. Ethan is your typical bad boy. Lots of money, sexy cars, sexy appearance, care-less attitude…he’s probably even slept with three quarters of the female population at Silver Lake High. Rosie hates him. So naturally, the future of this well-paying job doesn’t look too bright!

But is Ethan really as bad as society portrays him to be? This novel will invite you on a journey of the thin line that separates love and hate and the harsh life that Rosie was destined to live.


Hi everyone! This is my first completed book EVER (yes, it is already finished so you don't have to worry about me going AWOL and having writers block and never finishing the story), and regardless of whether or not anyone likes it, I for one, am so proud of myself! I loved writing this story and I would love to thank all of my friends (you know who you are) for supporting me and encouraging me along the way! Some of my friends even actively helped me formulate ideas as to where this story was heading! You were all so great and I thank you so much for just being so supportive and putting up with my animated rants regarding this book! You are the best xx

Hopefully you all enjoy this book (if there are any readers) :P I wasn't sure whether i should post this here but i am and lets see how it goes! xxxx

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