A special message from Deku :D

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Izuku struggled to free himself from the tangle of limbs and blankets. With no luck, he plopped down on the bed.

"Hitocchan! Kacchan! Get off! I need to make an announcement!!" He cried out in hopes his two lovers will let him free.

Katsuki started to shift around in the blankets. Finally! Izuku thought.

Suddenly he felt a tightness around his torso. Dang it. "Kaaaaaachaaaan!" Izuku tried to pry off the blonde's grip, "let goooo.. Please??"

"Shut up nerd." Katsuki replied before smothering his face into Izuku's back.

Izuku brushed his hands his hair. "Hitocchan?"

"mmmmm yes?" Came a muffled reply from Izuku's stomach.

"Can you PLEASE tell Kacchan to get off me so I can make an announcement?"

Shinsou looked up to Izuku's face and stared intently for a while before answering, "Mmmmm no."

Izuku let out an exasperated sigh. He really had to do this announcement but he couldn't do it being sandwiched between his lovers.

"Come on guys! It'll just be a minute and then I'll come back."

Shinsou and Katsuki only tighten their holds on the greenette.

"We can't do that nerd."

"Yeah. We'll freeze to death without you. Do you rreeeeeally want that to happen?"

Izuku was loosing his patience.


At the speed of sound, Shouto was at the door of their bedroom.


"There. Shoucchan is here. Just snuggle with him. He's warmer than me."

Shinsou gave a hum. "Well you got me there toots."

"Izu is a nerd for a reason. It's cause he's fucking smart as fuck."

"Right? Now what our Izu is saying is.."

"If Canada-"

"You're still calling me that?"

"Yes. Now.. is Canada joins us in bed.. we'll be warmer.."

"Yes Kacchan. Good deduction skills. So how about Shoucchan takes my spot so I can make the announcement. Then I'll-"

"I wasn't done talking nerd."

"Such a rude husband. Interrupting your lover while speaking." Shinsou said while giving a playful disapproving pout."

"So Izuku heat plus Canada heat equals more warm..."

"Kacchan I sweat to-"

"Yo Canada! Come join the snuggle fest."

"Okay." Shouto started to walk closer to the bed and then got into a jog.

"Wah- KACCHAN. Shoucchan don't you dare.."

Shouto was getting ready to jump on top of the bed.

The last thing Izuku saw was the loving face of his husband Shouto closing in closer and closer.

Now, to give you an idea of Izuku's situation.. Katsuki is on the backside of Izuku. Shinsou is on the front side of Izuku. And Shouto.. is on top of Izuku... Really just a fortress of hot alphas entrapping their cute omega boy.

Izuku groaned in defeat. There was no way he was getting out of this.

If you can't beat them.. join them I guess.

Izuku popped his head out from the pile of gown man children.

"Well I guess I'll do the announcement like this then.. excuse these immature adults."

"I prefer the word dysfunctional."

"Hitocchan. Stop. You've caused enough trouble for today. Now.. let's get down to business-"

"To defeat the huns."

"Shoucchan.. not you too.. Okay so I have a special announcement. The author deeply apologizes for how long it's taking to update this fanfic-"

"Fucking lazy ass bitch."

"KACCHAN. LANGUAGE. So yeah the author deeply apologizes and is painfully aware that this fanfic hasn't been updated in forever. The author him/her self really wants to update.. but like school and life."

"Well. Back in my day in UA we had villain attacks left and right. But did that stop us from excelling academically?-"


"Yes my love?"

Izuku facepalmed.

"Anyways.. the author will try their best to update soon. Till next time.. ciao OWO."

"You know you could've just Detroit smashed us off of you right?"

"I don't think he can move all that well right now Kat."

"Yeah. Cause we Detroit smashed him last night and he can't move a muscle."

Izuku's face went red.

Sry for the lack of updates.. Hoped you enjoyed the quick oneshot thing and I hope to update the fic soon :D

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