Battle Your Heart Out

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Battle Arc Part1: Midoriya Izuku and Uraraka Ochako vs Shinsou Hitoshi and Bakugou Katsuki

What could possibly go wrong???


All conversation in the class came to a halt by the sudden declaration of, "I'M COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" Class 1A turned to the door and were greeted by none other than.. All Might the number one hero, the resident pillar of peace, who stood in front of the class in a T-pose.

"Oh shit it's All Might!"

"Is that his silver age costume?! That's so manly!"

"Is All Might our teacher?? Awesome!"

"As expected of UA."

"Oh my god is he T-posing????"

Somewhere among the awes of student Bakugou subtly posed himself into an X-pose. X-poses are way better than T-poses you stupid extras. Izuku looked at the blonde in front in him with confusion. Sometimes it's good not to question Bakugou... Behind Izuku, Shinsou squinted his eyes in disgust at the blonde. Shouto looked over at Shinsou in a blank face, though internally he was confused. What's the matter with him? His mind hummed.

All Might looked upon the class with his signature smile. "Now class settle down. Today I am here as your teacher for your hero lessons. And today's lesson is a battle simulation. I shall elaborate later.. But first.." All Might clicked a button and out came suitcases with numbers. "Please change into your hero costumes!" He boomed over the cries of happiness from the students.

"Finally! We're doing actual hero stuff!" The class cheered.


In the dressing rooms Izuku looked down at his hero costume in his hands, completely blocking out the world around him. Mom made this for me.. He couldn't help but quirk a smile. The very costume in his hands was filled with his mother's delicate hand and love. It was a present from her congratulating him for getting into UA but Izuku felt like it was more. He felt that this was her way of keeping him safe. All his life his mother has done what she could to support and protect him, always having a watchful eye on him. And now.. Getting into a hero school of his dreams, Izuku could only think of the worry that has gone through her head. Her little Izu going off to fight villains. Far away from a mother's watchful eye, but with this costume it was a way for her to always be with him. Izuku sniffed the fabric. It smells just like cinnamon.. Just like mom. His mind supplied. This detail helped him calm his nerves as he walked to where all his classmates were.


Katsuki stood on the edge of the crowd of students, silently analyzing his class. He was sizing up his competition and looking for ways to exploit his fellow classmen, or who he proclaimed as extras. Frog girl has a frog based quirk. Katsuki recalled her abilities during the quirk apprehension test. She could jump pretty far and her tongue acts like a frog's. She's a small but fast pest. I have leverage on the extra though. Her costume is more for rainy climates. Fucking idiot. She's toast to my explosions. Just need to watch out for that stupid ass tongue. Then again I could always blow the fucker up. The extra's quirk is no match for me. Katsuki averted his eyes to someone else. Bird head over there has some weird ass dark shadow dick thing or whatever. The cloak thing allows for surprise attacks. The shadow thing looked pretty weak in the light. I can fuck that shadow shit with my explosions and then knee the emo bird to death. Katsuki was about to analyze someone else but was interrupted by someone grabbing his shoulder.

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