8| Protect Me.. Always

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Chapter 8 - Protect Me... Always

{Your POV}

[EDITED - 07/29/2021]

"Hey [Y/n]~"

My body froze at the very sound of his dark tone of voice. The mere sound of it caused me to shiver, and it gave me the urge to cry and scream out loud for help—for someone... anyone... to help me.

"...Gene?  G-Go away...," I stuttered in fear, afraid he would make me do something again.  My voice wavered; my breathing quick as my heart beat increased.

"No, I don't have to, [Y/n].  You know what I want,"  he spoke in a painfully low whisper, smirking as if this was the most amusing thing he's ever seen.

Gene is the most cruelest, nastiest, rudest—basically, he's the most terrible person there is in this school. He made me do things that he wanted, but I always refused and I would get beat up because of it. I always refused, no matter what, because I didn't want anyone else getting hurt because of him.  It appeared to me that he seemed to take a liking to my stubbornness; keeping a close watch on me while I was on school grounds was almost like a full-time job to him.

'Argh!! Sometimes—actually all the time—I want to punch him!!! But even if I did, it's not like it'll help me. Sasha and Zenix will beat me up then...'

I blinked twice as a picture was being waved tauntingly in my face. "Look at this, [Y/n]. Tsk, what a shame it is."

Now I really want to wipe that teasing, disgusting, stupid smirk off of his stupid face.

In the picture, he had pointed to a black-haired girl with green eyes, saying,  "She has a boyfriend, yet... she was kissing another boy,"  he taunted, shaking his head as if he really cared at all.  He just likes to ruin other people's lives.  My lips curved downwards, forming a distasteful frown, but not towards the photo, but towards Gene's stupid face.

     But, upon closer inspection of the girl in the picture, I could clearly tell it was a setup.  Someone had obviously pushed that boy to kiss her.  I assume it was Gene and his stupid minions that took a dumb picture of it for fun, and simply for the excitement of getting others in trouble.

     "No, I-I'm not doing anything! I won't let you hurt others!" I shouted, feeling slightly confident enough to fight back a bit, yet still feeling small under his piercing gaze; his dark look sprouted the fear I had lost in that second or two, returning it right back to me.

     Next thing I know, Gene is bursting out in an evil laugh; a laugh that one would hear in those movies with a crazed killer.  He held his stomach as if this was the funniest thing he's ever experienced, although I couldn't quite understand the "hilarity" behind this cackling mess of a guy. 

     "So, you refuse?" he stated loudly, continuing to laugh while stepping closer to me.  "That makes things more better for me and them.

     I watched in fear as time came to a slowing point.  His index finger shifted from being held safely in his rough fist, to pointing at the duo—Sasha and Zenix—standing behind him, waiting for his command to beat me up for refusing—something he despised—once again.

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