9| Jealousy PT.1

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[EDITED — 07/08/2022]

Chapter 9


{Your POV}

     We sneaked back into the school after Aaron cleaned my wounds at home. Silence hung over us as we pursued to our classes, using the same excuse when the teacher asked where we were and why we were late. The excuse was not really an actual excuse, but I couldn't exactly tell Mrs. Helen that Gene, Sasha, and Zenix beat me up.  Slipping a word of it could get me in trouble with those three again, and I was not taking that chance.

     "Why are you here so late, [Y/n]?  You're never late," Mrs. Helen accused, hands on her hips as she gave me a disappointed look.  I felt bad.

     "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Helen, but I kinda hurt myself while going to one of my classes and I was bleeding and Aa— I mean, my friend had to clean the wound for me."  I took a quick breath in before speaking again.  "I deeply apologize about being late. It won't ever happen again! I promise!"

     With a sigh and a nod of understanding, Mrs. Helen shifted her attention back to the class to continue talking about history.  Upon hearing her say something about her leaving the class for a moment, I peered up, and suddenly, I took note of something which seemed pretty surprising to me: Aaron is also in the same class as me!  Yet, when I turned my head to the right to look at him, I caught sight of him talking to some girl. 

     Upon closer inspection, this girl wasn't just "some girl" anymore.  She had long, shiny red hair that cascaded down and stopped halfway down her back.  Lively green eyes held others captive and the almost sparkly gold that surrounded her pupils—which I thought was sorta cool—matched with her golden jewelry, which she seemed to be wearing lots of.  She definitely stood out from the rest of the girls, catching their attention as well as Aaron's, too. 

     'I hope she doesn't touch him...'

     "Hey, why are you—ohhhh."

     I turned my head towards the direction of the sudden voice, only to be met with another girl, but she didn't seem to stand out like the red-haired one.  She sent a smug smile my way as if she knew something that I didn't.

     "So... let me guess....  Yes!  You're jealous of Lillie Helen, the girl who is sitting next to that guy you're looking at so... intensely."  Her guessing skills weren't far off, but I didn't see myself as jealous.  "Lillie may look nice, but she's way far from that assumption when it comes to her real personality."  She gave a small glare to Lillie, who was still busy talking with Aaron about whatever it is that seemed so interesting to keep his eyes on her.  "She just loves to make other people suffer behind her mother's back.  She must be bored."

     "Um, so, does she... like Aaron?" I asked, truly wondering if she did. I wasn't sure where the question arose from, but if this "Lillie" girl wasn't how she truly seemed, then I don't want her hanging around with him.

     "Aaron?"  she echoed, looking questioningly towards Lillie and Aaron.  "Oh, the guy!  Right, right...," she whispered to herself before continuing on with what she was talking about. 

     'I hope Lillie has no interest in Aaron.  I don't like her.'

     "Well, to answer your question... yeah, I guess so. I believe it was last year when she had a HUGE crush on him. She always kept him to herself, and by that, I mean not letting other girls hang around him AT ALL. But lately, he's been avoiding her. It's about time, really.  I was wondering if he'd had enough of her crap yet."

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