Taking a seat on the far side of the table, where her back was closest to the wall, she asked, "So how do you know Max?"

"Max? Oi, we go back a hundred thousand years. His dad and I used to live in the same neighborhood." Moving through the kitchen with familiar ease he grabbed two plates and carried them to the table, placing the pizza between them.

"His dad?"

"Yeah. Stodgy guy, bit of a stick up his arse, you know, but as pure in heart as any who ever put a foot on this earth."

"Does he live around here?"

"Here? No. Not exactly. He lives for his work."

"So does his son."

He nodded, chewing with an appropriate amount of enthusiasm, considering how delicious the food was. "I told him to take a vacation. Find a girl." He snorted, shaking his head. "I should have known he'd marry her. Only Max."

"You're the one who told him to find a girl?" A confirmation of truth. Good to know! He had promised honesty. So far, so good.

"Aye. Max, he takes himself too seriously. Thinks being good at one thing means excluding everything else."

"What is it that Max does?"

He popped open a beer and took a deep swallow. "Max... he... he gathers things."

"He told me he helps people find their true selves."

"'Course he did. It's true enough. He and I, we just look at his work a little differently." He took another bite of the pizza.

"You don't do the same kind of work?"

"Told you. I wander. I watch things. Sometimes I'm led to intervene."

"So, you're what? A vagrant?"

His good cheer never wavered. "I prefer transient. Oi, Max. You're wife's as hot as Hades in July."

Max stood in the door, arms crossed against his bare chest. Black pajama pants hung from his hips. "My wife is strong and intelligent, well-educated, and a delightful conversationalist. My best friend, on the other hand, is an ill-mannered louse."

"Sorry!" the man said, grinning and looking altogether non-repentant. "Didn't mean to offend. Oi. Just wanted to see if the rumors were true."

"Who's spreading rumors?" Max asked.

"Mutual acquaintances," Daniel said with a shrug.

"Such as?" Max asked.

Daniel's eyes flitted to Lily.

She tapped her fingers on the tabletop. "I hate feeling like I'm the only one in the room who only knows half the story."

Max strode to where they sat and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Don't be angry. There just hasn't been time to tell you everything."

"And there are things you can't tell me, maybe ever, but he knows those things?" she asked.

He pulled out a chair between them and sat down. "Daniel knew the secrets long before I did and he knows more than I ever will, if God has mercy on me."

She took three slow breaths. She'd gone into this knowing he had secrets. It wasn't fair to be angry about it now.

"So who are these mutual acquaintances?" Max asked.

"Michael is the one who asked me about it. 'First I heard of it,' is what I told him. Don't think he believed me, though. He never does. Thinks I'm shady."

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