Sahir & Maya's First Meeting

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PART 2(b)

Everyone was praising each other's designs.Sahir without showing any expressions on his face,was checking each designs one by one. Suddenly he stopped ,went few steps back and looked at a fairy bridal gown piece.He stared at the design for  a minute and then take a look at name of the designer on the template kept under the dress.

'Maya Mehrotra',Dreamland Fashion & co. He muttered lowly.His personal assistant shown him a direction where Maya was standing .Sahir looked at the way and started walking towards her.She was already having conversation with others.Sahir stood behind her.

'Excuse me,Miss Maya.?' He said.Maya turned behind to look at him, 'Yes'.
Sahir gazed into her eyes.He could not help himself to look away from her.There was a deep silence for a moment.His eyes were all stuck on the beautiful face of her.  Then he immediately came back to the reality and introduced himself. 'Hi,I'm Sahir,from Ikhtiyar fashion & co.' He moved hands forward for handshake. Giving her hand in his hands she introduced herself ,'Hi ,Maya Mehrotra,Dreamland Fashion & co.'

He really loved the confidence in her eyes .Her dominance was overpowering his, during the handshake. 'I kind of liked your design ,I think we should talk to the officials',he said what he meant .

His P.A was shocked & awstrucked as Sahir complimented someone's design for the first time.He took her hand in his palm and started walking towards the officials.Suddenly a tall guy crossed their way & holds Maya's right hand.

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