Hey, just a heads up!

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I found another Villainous fanfic recently that had copied pretty much the exact same plot as mine with some tweaks to make it probably not as obvious and I just want to say that it's uh, not cool?
I tried to make this fanfic as original as possible because I noticed that a lot of fanfics were similar and it kind of upsets me that there are signs of the same thing happening with my idea.
Writing is supposed to be personal to you, I put a lot of time and effort into my stories and you should do the same. Come up with an idea on your own, it's not that hard, it's just time consuming and if you can't do that then why write stories in the first place? You have to put your own mind into something to make it good.
I'm not calling people out directly because I'm not making this post in spite or because I'm mad, I just want to encourage other people to come up with their own ideas because you don't know what you're capable of. Even though it's "just a fanfic", literature is an art form and it effects people emotionally in so many ways. It's a beautiful thing and it's a very sweet feeling when you know that something you created yourself makes other people happy.
Please, don't copy other people's ideas. Be original.

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