Chapter 7: The Kiss

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Flug wasn't entirely sure how he found himself doing this, but he had begun rubbing the sides of Blackhat's arms with his hands softly and it seemed to cause the demon to calm down. Flug had done the same and the tear induced hiccups and sniffles had died down soon to be replaced with nothing more than the sound of their breathing, matching perfectly together in unison like some kind of melody.
Blackhat, one hand now resting on Flug's hip, lifted his head up to meet Flug's gaze another time. The demon could barely see Flug's eyes through his goggles and he wanted so badly to see them again, and get lost in the green of his pupils and just forget about everything besides his scientist.
His scientist.
He still felt so bad about everything, but he was confident that he was going to start a fresh, and treat Flug better this time.
Blackhat held Flug closer and placed a palm on his stomach, over the fading bruises, the stomach that starved for him all these years. He silently promised himself to make sure Flug would eat properly from now on, and would never starve again.
The demon moved his palms upwards to his shoulders. They were so tense from all the hours Flug spent leaning over his inventions in his lab, and Blackhat promised to make sure he'll never have to overwork himself again.
Then his face. Blackhat's hands snaked their way under Flug's protective paper bag and let his thumbs brush against his cheeks. The bag had lifted up slightly to reveal the scientist's mouth, his lips pursed slightly as if he was waiting for something to happen.
Blackhat pushed his hands a bit further up the inside of the bag and lifted it up a bit more.
"May I?" he asked with genuine concern for Flug's feelings. He had never asked Flug to take his paper bag off before, and it had been such a long time since Flug had shown anyone his face. Not on purpose, anyway.
Yet he still nodded.
Blackhat hesitantly pulled the paper bag over the scientist's head and put it on the ground next to him.
God, he was so much handsomer than Blackhat remembered.
His dark brown hair fell down over one of his eyes, those beautiful green eyes that Blackhat just wanted so badly to get lost in. Flug's face was dotted with cute little freckles all over his cheeks and his nose, and the demon wondered if he could name them all, and if Flug would let him.
Everything about him was adorable. Blackhat had never gotten a chance to appreciate that before.
Flug averted his eyes a little with embarrassment and covered his mouth.
"You're staring.." came the sound of Flug's voice, completely audible and no longer muffled by the paper bag.
"I can't help it. You're gorgeous," Blackhat placed his hands back on either side of Flug's head with care and their eyes met again.
"You're really beautiful,"
Flug felt his face burn.
All he could think to do in that moment was grab his boss by the shoulders and pull him to the ground with him. He didn't care if his lab coat got muddy, he didn't care at all. This was the happiest he had felt in years.
Blackhat gasped loudly and fell on top of his co-worker, arms supporting himself on either side of his head, their faces just inches apart.
"kiss me," Flug whispered. Blackhat almost choked on those words in minute shock. He wasn't really expecting things to go this far, but he didn't find himself complaining as he leaned downwards and placed his lips on the scientist's. Flug grabbed his demon's neck and pulled him down further, deepening the kiss until Blackhat's sharp teeth were clashing against his own. Flug felt like his heart was about to stop, and he wouldn't care if he died, surrounded by Blackhat's warmth for the first and last time in his life. What he always wanted, what he worked so hard for.
Flug inhaled sharply for a second when Blackhat sunk a row of his teeth into his lip. There was quite a bit of blood, and Blackhat winced.
"Sorry, I didn't think my teeth were that sharp..."
Flug just shook his head softly and licked the blood from his lip with a sly wink.
"No its okay, I like it," If he was ever going to be hurt by Blackhat again, it would be like this.
Blackhat blushed hard. He had never seen Flug act this confident before.
Blackhat kissed him again, running his long green tongue along the bottom of Flug's lip to clean up the bite marks. The scientist let out a giggle, then he started the laugh, and he threw his arms around his boss and hugged him tightly. He didn't want to let go, he loved him so much.
Blackhat sighed happily into the side of Flug's neck and gently nibbled at the area of skin. Flug rubbed the back of Blackhat's neck and it vaguely reminded him of the situation in the forest.
"i'm sorry about all this, sir..."
Blackhat let out a gentle hm? into his neck which caused Flug to smile softly.
"for letting you come here. i should have warned you first,"
Blackhat nuzzled his neck and spoke, "I don't blame you for anything. I have more to be sorry about than you do, but if it makes you feel better, I forgive you anyway,"
Flug felt like he could start crying again but managed to hold the tears back.
"thank you Blackhat...that really means a lot to me,"
"Well you mean a lot to me, too,"

"we should probably start walking again," Flug cooed. Blackhat pressed his face into his chest and groaned childishly.
"Do we have to?"
"if we want to get out of here, we do!"
Blackhat turned over and pushed himself off of the other man.
"I guess you're right," he complained, stretching his arms as far as he could without hurting his back.
"i wonder how 5.0.5 and Demencia are doing back home," Flug wondered as he dusted himself off. Blackhat shrugged.
"Probably tearing up the place," he said with a smile. Flug took his hand and they clambered up the slope of the ditch.

"just a little further to go i think!" Flug chattered from the screen of the machine. Demencia entered the room of the lab where 5.0.5 was already sat. She carried two boxes of popcorn in her arms with a giddy grin on her face and 5.0.5 greeted her with a nod before taking one of the boxes.
"Did I miss anything?" she cheered with excitement. 5.0.5 pointed to the screen with a paw at Flug and Blackhat holding hands.
"Aawww they're so cute!!" Demencia squealed and almost threw her popcorn everywhere. 5.0.5 looked at her for a second as if to ask if they should press the return button already but Demencia just shook her head.
"They still have a little bit to go! Let's just see if they can make it! Besides, I'm having fun!" she giggled as she picked up a huge handful of popcorn as stuffed it into her mouth.
5.0.5 just rolled his eyes and sat back down. He had almost pressed the return button back when they had both gotten hurt but Demencia prevented him from doing so with her life. He really hoped she knew what she was doing.

I decided not the delete the last chapter saying as you guys liked it so much! I was going to re-write it but what the hay :p Summer is starting in a couple of weeks for me so I might be able to start on my other fanfics I have on hold so if you're interested in more Flughat stuff (or other ships from other fandoms or something) then expect me to become more active soon!
Sorry if this chapter was a little crud, i'm terrible at writing the fluffier stuff but thanks for reading!! <33

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