What to write? What to do? Her heart may rule her head but that does not make her choices wrong. Her heart would have her leave her husband in a chaotic state but maybe some time apart is what they need.

"When given the choice between following your heart or your head, choose neither and be kind."

Isn't that what her father said once? That being kind overrules your heart and your head. Eliza scratches a quick message.

I should be in London for tomorrow morning.

Eliza x

Eliza folds it up and writes Charlotte's address on the front, she places it in her pocket with her purse and speeds out of her room. She pauses in front of the door, shrugs on a cream coat and ties a pink hat under her chin that clashes horribly with the dress. She almost tumbles down the outside steps as she hurries towards the stables. The stables used to be a barn for keeping livestock during the winter but the late Duke had it renovated, it is small housing only 5 horses but the stalls are wide and well looked after. A man looks up as she enters the old barn.

"Duchess Harrington." He stops sweeping up the straw and bows.

"Do you have any horses already tacked?" She asks breathlessly. The man looks confused but he points towards a tall chestnut thoroughbred. The horse raises his long neck from munching on hay and looks at her with intelligent eyes. Eliza lifts up the heavy latch on his stall, she catches the reins of the horse and leads him out.

"The late dukes prize horse, I have to exercise it every day, he's a bit big for you." He explains but Eliza is already climbing into the saddle. She gathers the reins in her hand, the floor seems a lot further away than usual.

"It's going to be fine." She mutters to herself as she adjusts the stirrup length. The horse is a lot taller than Captain, she looks almost comical astride such a massive animal.

"Thank you." She calls to the man as she nudges the powerful animal into a canter.

The horse bursts forward and she has to hold onto the saddle to stop herself from being unseated. The horse's strides are wide and Eliza struggles to find a rhythm in his step. She digs her heels into the stirrups and sits low in the seat in an effort to prevent being thrown off. The wind whistles in her ears, her coat flaps in resistance and the ribbon of her hat flies behind her shoulder like a kite. She leans further down along the horse's neck to stop the wind from making her eyes stream.

The horse makes it to the village in a few frightening minutes of uncertainty. Eliza halts him in front of the public house and half jumps, half falls onto the ground. She feels a tickle in the back of her throat, she double overs as coughs wrack her chest. Once she catches her breath she pats the horse's neck and ties him to the water trough. She notices that on the horse's neck there is a dark patch of shiny coat. She frowns and raises her hand to touch it but she freezes as she notices that her hand is covered with blood. She stares at the scarlet liquid for a second before quickly washing her stained hand in the icy cold water trough. She shakes her hand dry and looks around for the post service. She notices the sign over a stable, she walks over. There are a few dull brown horses in small stalls and a little office to the left. Three men stand by the horses, chatting, they wear ragged travel-worn clothes. They don't notice her approach. She knocks on the wooden frame of the stable, their eyes snap to her.

"I have a letter for London, express mail please." She says pulling her letter and purse from her pocket. The men look at each other for a second and then one of them stops in front of her, Eliza notices he is missing a few teeth and there is the smell of stagnant ale.

"That will be one shilling my lady." He says holding out a grubby hand. Eliza places the silver coin and letter into his palm.

"Thank you." She says, she turns to leave.

"Miss." His rough voice halts her immediately.

She turns back around.

"You've got somit there." He says scratching the corner of his mouth. Eliza touches the corner of her mouth and her fingers come away with a spot of blood. She frowns but nods to the man before walking away. A sudden wave of dizziness hits her as she walks back to her horse. She curses herself, she hasn't eaten or drank anything and with the rush of activity, it is no wonder she is feeling nauseous and faint. When she reaches the horse she leans against his solid neck.

"Damn." Eliza's vision swims before her and she sways on the spot. She clutches at the bridle for support but quickly her sight returns to normal and her stomach doesn't want to escape through her mouth. The horse turns his face to her and looks at her curiously.

"A walk back, I think." She says to the horse as she climbs up.

To Defy A DukeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon