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• our memories are gifts that show us that life, even through the toughest times, is worth living •

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• our memories are gifts that show us that life, even through the toughest times, is worth living •

This is the worst idea I've ever heard. It has no basis. By the sounds of it, the whole thing was thought up just so that Merle has something to laugh about behind the backs of anyone we may meet.

Bonnie's beside herself with excitement. Naturally, Merle has convinced my daughter that the whole thing is a brilliant idea. She's under the impression that this means Daryl's now her father (how the fuck Merle convinced of that, I don't know).

Daryl has been glaring at his brother for the entirety of his explanation. He's about as impressed by this as I am.

"It's a great idea!" Merle exclaims, "There ain't nothin' that could go wrong."

"I can think of countless ways it could go wrong." I cut in, despite the fact Merle's paying me no attention.

"This way she and happy feet over 'ere get to hang around," Merle says, "And we don't get accused of kidnappin' whenever we run into new people."

"Why would you get accused of—"

Merle snorts, "C'mon sugar. Look around ya. You and I both know that if we get some pricks rolling through 'ere they're gonna take one look at us and think we're holdin' ya at gun point."

"That's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?" I frown, wiping my hands on my thighs to rid them of the sweat.

"Two rednecks and a pretty lil' thing like you? That's always the first thing goin' through their heads." Merle says, "This'll fix t'at."

"A ring isn't going to solve anything Merle." I try to reason, although I don't know why I bother. There's no reasoning with Merle.

"Well they ain't gonna think we're holdin' a gun to your head though are they?" Merle retorts, "That's the point of it."

"Man, did ya hit ya head while ya were in t'ere or somethin'?" Daryl snaps, "This is stupid."

"Just put the goddamn ring on, sugar." Merle shoves it in my direction, "Ain't gonna hurt ya."

"Pardon me if I don't take your word for it." I run a hand through my hair, letting a deep breath slip from between my lips as I stare at the ring being held out to me.

"Daryl's already got one! See!" Merle points at the may-have-been-stolen ring on Daryl's forth finger, "It's a match made in heaven."

"Ya crazy." Daryl says, an openly confused expression upon his face.

"He's right." I lean back against the truck, ignoring the pang in my leg at the adjustment, "You've gone mental. There's no way a pair of rings is going to stop people from thinking there's something dodgy about you, Merle. I don't think there's anything on this planet that could fix that."

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