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Name: Ana Austin

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Species: Human (Actually Nephilim)


Personality: cunning, courageous, selfless, kind, friendly, professional, protective, forgiving

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Personality: cunning, courageous, selfless, kind, friendly, professional, protective, forgiving

Family: Lucifer (biological father)

Likes: Pie, her dog, her car and motorcycle

Dislikes: Monsters (Except Angels), Crowley, Lucifer

Love Interest: Dean or Sam Winchester (Depending on your crush)

Companion: Husky named Jack who is specially trained in Supernatural tracking and is able to track down 99% of Supernatural beings when on a hunt.

Back story: Her life was never normal

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Back story: Her life was never normal. She moved around a lot from state to state always on the road. She never knew what her parents did for a job until she was forced to watch them be killed. Crowley... The one person she desperately wants to kill but never gets the chance. She read every book, article and urban legend about these things that come in the night. The things that were mere nightmare fuel. She started hunting as a 'job' when she was 17 and never looked back. She met Bobby not long after she started and ended up having every piece of weaponry, ID, and tool checked over by him. She doesn't know it but she is actually half Angel. Her father is Lucifer however Castiel looked after her when she started the hunting career setting her on the right path away from her fathers. He gifted her a necklace that allows him to know she is in danger so he can come by to help her.

 He gifted her a necklace that allows him to know she is in danger so he can come by to help her

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Tattoos: anti possession tattoo on her left shoulder

Car: Black 1967 Cadillac Fleetwood fully equipped with all weapons, Identifications, tools and information required to hunt each and every single Supernatural being

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Car: Black 1967 Cadillac Fleetwood fully equipped with all weapons, Identifications, tools and information required to hunt each and every single Supernatural being. Along with a motorcycle.

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Other: Lived on a military base for 2 years before becoming a hunter

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Other: Lived on a military base for 2 years before becoming a hunter. She studied Mythology in several different states. Never went to University or High school, although had to act like a student at one point which is when she learned Mythology. She also has wings that appear when she wants them too after she learns about who she really is, though around the boys she tries not to show them even though they actually admire them.

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