Make it a gift

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So I know you are tense now. I have got some ideas by saving the world from the curse and make it a gift.
* Proper usage of plastics - we usually use plastic as carrying bags so we should just use them as carrying bags not more than that we should not burn them or use them to carry food items. We should not use plastic like our common resource For eg you have got a plastic bottle and plastic bottles are use and throw but what most of us do is use them as a regular proper Bottle which's wrong.

*Disposal of plastics - Plastics are not like Paper that throw them anywhere and they would decompose. Plastic can't be decomposed by microorganisms that's why it's said to dispose them properly. We should make two dustbins one for biodegradable and one for non biodegradable so that they can be easily separated. Plastics can be recycled then why not give them to the collectors? Plastics shouldn't be disposed off in water or in open. It can cause serious harm to the Nature. We should not burn them too. Have you heard that roads are now prepared with plastics, Why not donate them?

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