Chapter 15: Regretting past choices

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Timmy's POV:

It was like we started from the beginning all over again, only this time I wasn't the same happy go lucky baker that I used to be. I didn't think that I would be back in the kitchen again, but here I am....back again anyways. Back to where it all started with just a single kiss.

My nan said that its good therapy for me to go back to doing something that I love. She said that it was a good way to mend a broken heart. But, every time I baked something it never turned out right.

Most of my sweets ended up being burned or under baked. Either that was from out of practice, or.. from what happened these last few days. Its hard for me to keep a smile on my face, even with Alaina-Leann around. My nan told her to not leave me alone during these times, but I wanted to be alone more than anything.

But nobody understood that, they refused to let me stay home, all wrapped up in my bed sheets while stuffing my face with anything I can get my hands on. They didn't leave me alone ever since we arrived back to the flat. The neighborhood pastor, who usually ignores me, suddenly treated me like he's walking on broken glass. He calls me by my first name; something that I didn't think he actually knew.

And he invites my nan and I over to dinner every Friday night. Ben and Allen, were a little more understanding when it came to me. They strayed away from me as much as possible, and even thought that kind of hurt. I wanted it to stay that way. At least until I feel the rays of sunshine smiling down on me. Its early in the morning at the bakery, and my nan practically begged me to try out the new recipe for cupcakes that she thought off.

At first, I was reluctant, but I could never really say no to my beloved nan. She was such a sweetheart even though her feistiness can get a little overbearing. When I came back to the flat that night, my heart practically broke at the sight of her. Her face was drenched in tear stained cheeks, and she could barely contain her blubbering when she hugged me.

Almost instantly, I regretted leaving her the way I did. I was foolish, but...i'm sure she understood that my intentions weren't meant to harm her. I sighed deeply when I cracked a couple of eggs into two and watched as they poured into the big silver bowl. I let it drip slowly as a frown spread onto my face. I threw the empty egg shells to the side, and I couldn't help but slam my hands down onto the wooden counter top. I'm no dragon.

Dragons aren't weak. Everything that Grant said about me was wrong. He doesn't understand what its like being me. Just like  Ben and Allen, who don't need to be pining after me. They have the whole world on their shoulders, and they have everything going for them.

If my nan ever were to pass away, I would be left alone in the world. I don't have parents to look after me. I don't have money for college, and even though I may be left with the bakery in my nan's will. I'd probably just sell the bakery, and the apartment and just leave this town. But...then again, I can never do that. Even though that's something that's been on my mind ever since Ben and Allen brought me back.

I can't help but think of my hopeless future and its eating me up on the inside. Days before I left, the school told me that I was awarded a couple of scholarships for my grades. And while that's great, it won't be enough to sustain the financial debt that i'll be in afterwards. That frightens me, I let a huff of air escape past my lips while I cupped my hands onto the edge of the countertop.  The swaying door to the back kitchen creaked open, and I didn't need to look behind me to figure out who it was.

It was Ben. He's been checking up on me lately for the past few days, and while that's nice I really prefer that he wouldn't. I ignored him the entire time he stood behind me as I pounded the flour, I sputtered a bit when some of the powder flew into my face. "Need some help?" Ben offered. I didn't say anything as I continued to pound the flour, pretending that it was his face the entire time. "You can start washing the dishes." I mumbled as I tilted my head to the sink piled with dirty dishes that I haven't done for the past few hours.

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