Chapter 5: Unrealistic dreams

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Timmy's POV:

Ever since I could remember, I always had a problem with my size. Anytime anybody would say something about it, it would just take a piece out of me in a sense. I never had much confidence in myself, there were times when I would just want to drop out of school. But there were always reasons for me to stay here.

At the corner of my eye Ben couldn't stop staring at me, and I couldn't stop staring at him. Is it wrong to think he's attractive? Even if he was a little older than me? Even if he was the older brother of the captain of the football team?

I've always hated Allen and his goons. It was because of him that the first two years of my highschool life were a mess. I've spent my freshman year eating lunch in one of the locked bathroom stalls. Roy and Louis always picked on me because I was build differently than

I was thankful for Alaina-Leann, ever since she was in my life she's always tried to help me build up my confidence.

My size is not a very pleasant thing to look at anyways.

I wonder why he was staring at me in the first place, did I have something on my face? I tilted my head downwards so that my fringe covered my eyes as I blushed in embarrassment. I've always fancied Ben since he and his brother moved next door, but its not a surprise that he wouldn't take notice in me.

Nobody ever did.

Nobody ever would anyways.

Who would want to love someone who looked like me in the first place?

The only good thing about me that I could actually stand was the fact that I was a good baker. But that's the problem, its impossible for me to lose any weight when there are temptations around me everywhere. I'm always tasting the the products making sure that the flavor is just right or the temperature is just right. If its not, we have to throw it away.

We never sell poor quality baked goods. Its part of my policy, I want the finest ingredients for my sweets. I treat each one of them with tender, love, and care. Each of these sweets make a customer a day smile. And their smiles are important to me as a baker. Their happiness comes first from the moment they step into my future bakery. I smiled, but soon frowned when I thought of something unpleasant.

Allen, was acting weird around me lately. He's been trying to get into my pants since last weekend, and to be frank, I think its just a joke on the fat kid. I wonder how much money he betted on to get me to fall for his touch?

Like anybody else, I enjoyed his touches. But knowing that they were really a lie, destroyed little pieces of me.

A tear threatened to fall, but I pushed it back when I felt a warm and comforting hand on my shoulder. "You okay buddy?" Alaina-Leann asked.

I nodded, reassuring her that I was fine. When I really wasn't.

I was so hungry. My stomach growled uncomfortably as I wrapped my arms around it.

Ever since I started this diet plan that my nan and I are working on. I had to cut down on the sweets, and leave the food tasting to her. It is so hard, I don't even trust my own nan when it comes to food tasting. She normally just gobbles up all of the sweets anyways.

That food whore.

We were having a free bakery goods giveaway tonight in order to attract more customers.

And I wasn't looking forward to it.

It was going to be hard to resist eating all those sweats.

Especially the red velvet cupcake. My absolute favorite. It was one of my guilty pleasures. Alaina-Leann gasped as she nudged me in my tummy, I looked up to her with a glare and until she pointed out who exactly was in front of us. Ben and Allen. I gulped as my cheeks stained a cherry red, and looked down on my shoes...pretending to seem uninterested.

Ben was beautiful. I liked everything about him. He was the first person that I have ever had any serious feelings for. And they scared me and excited me all at once. When I was little I would always send him letters, asking Allen with what little courage I had to pass it on to him. However, I stopped sending those letters when I saw a blonde girl kiss him in front of their side of the flat one day.

She was pretty, and the most popular girl in Ben's grade level at the time. They looked good together, and she was everything I wasn't. And I hated myself even more than I ever did that day.

I indulged myself in chocolate and soap operas as I cried and cried. I didn't go to school that entire week either because I was too depressed over Ben.

But in a way, I was thankful that reality slapped me hard in the face that day. No one could ever love the fat kid. No one like Ben would ever want someone like me.

I was so excited to see him that day, we were actually good friends at the time, I looked up to him as a person...but ever since that night... I've stopped talking to him. Even after he called me several times that night and for the rest of the week. But the calls eventually stopped. And he was here again, right in front of me. I didn't want to see him, much less talk to him. Looking into his eyes made my heart skip a beat, and had my hands shaking.

Ben cleared his throat, "Hi Timmy, it's been awhile how have you been?" He whispered sweetly. My heart jumped up in my throat preventing me from saying anything as I fiddled with the hem of my shirt shakily. His voice made my legs turn into jelly and my stomach go into flip flops. I'm scared that if I look into his eyes, i'll fall in love with him all over again.

I can't have that not, after he unknowingly stepped on my heart when he kissed that girl. Even if it happened when were little, I had a hard time letting it go. I was a sensitive soul. I could easily shatter and break when my feelings get toyed with. I nodded to him without saying a word.

My eyes peered up through my bangs as he gazed at me with hurt plastered onto his face. Allen was glaring harshly at Ben as he foot tapped up and down. He didn't look happy to be here at all and I wouldn't blame him.

"Timmy's having a bakery giveaway this afternoon, you should come! The both of you!" Alaina-Leann blurted out before gasping as she cupped her mouth with her hands. I glared at her, as she flushed pink while Ben chuckled... I'm getting her for this later. Allen's face softened and looked actually pleased at the idea of going before Ben agreed to tag along.

His face contorted into a frown.

"Of course! I would love to taste one of Timmy's treats." He smiled at me gently, but I refused to look at him which made him frown again.

"Lets bail Ben." Allen groaned out impatiently.

Making me flush in embarrassment.

"Timmy?" I hesitantly looked up towards Ben with my heart pounding hard against my rib-cage.

"I've received every one of your letters. I still have them, and I treasure every one of them." He smiled at me, before leaving off with Allen. Who glanced at me with worry and a slight look of panic in his eys.

"Somebody's got two boyfriends!" Alaina-Leann singed into my ear, killing the awkward heavy silence, before I poked her cheek and tickled her sides.

She died laughing, while I died in mortification.

I was not looking forward to tonight at all.

God have mercy on me, even if its just this once.

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