Chapter 12: To be or not to be

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Timmy's POV:

"Think about Tim, just think about all of the power that I can offer you. Think about the control that you can have. All you have to do is say...yes." He whispered to me hauntingly as he leaned in closer to me.

My heart beat sped up and is already pounding rigorously against my chest. His offer is so tempting, and so enticing, how could I say no? But...there was something holding me back from agreeing to this. Why would he even want me in the first place?

Grant's eyes softened as he took out his hand and caressed my cheekbone with it. "Your eyes tell me that you've been through a lot of pain." He whispered, before slowly adjusting himself onto the loveseat. I wasn't so sure where he was going with all of this. I creased my eyebrows together..."Are you familiar with the saying that your eyes are the window to your soul?"

He whispered. I shook my head roughly, as he hummed. "I can take that pain away from you. I can make it go all away with a snap of a finger." He whispered, and teasingly snapped his finger. As his dark eyes softened when they glanced down on my lips.

And just when his lips were about to touch mine, I tilted my head away in denial. I didn't need another Ben or another Allen. I didn't understand why anybody would be attracted to me at all... "Why me?" I whispered unsurely as I clasped my forehead.

"Why not you?" He whispered as he tilted his head. My breathing hitched as sweat began to trickle down my neck, while I gulped in order to clear my dry and hoarse throat. The tension in the room grew thick, as the muscles in my body grew tense. How was I going to respond to that? There were so many reasons why

I wouldn't be the best candidate. "Just...just look at me!"

I barked at him, while a choked up sob slipped past my lips. I cupped my mouth, as heat rose up my neck. "I don't see anything wrong with you Tim." He murmured. Liar! "Don't...just don't!" I hissed past clench teeth as another sob escaped me. I clutched my shirt with a tight fist, as fat crocodile tears streamed and twinkled down my puffy cheekbones.

Hope was bubbling and rising up my throat, as I couldn't help but want to scream. My shoulders shook up and down, as Grant licked his bottom lip and held me into his warm, and big arms. I couldn't help myself from falling into his embrace, it was wrong of me to do that.

But I haven't been held in so long. I haven't felt like this in such a long time that it just took a piece out of me and tore my heart.

"Let me be your friend." Grant whispered against my earlobe as I shivered slightly. I could seriously use a friend...I hiccuped before sniffling out..."Okay." I whispered hoarsely, Grant chuckled softly before using his thumb to whipe away my tears. "You won't regret this." He muttered under his breath, I sure hope not. I could only hope not.

Grant adjusted the weight on his body before extending out his left arm to reach something in his back pocket. I gulped as my eyes grew  wide at the pocket knife. "I'm just bloody joking." He chortled as he slapped his knee cap.

My eyebrows raised to my forehead. "W-what?" I managed to stutter out.  He smiled at me, "I do this for newbies as a sort of welcoming, its my way of seeing how far they are willing to go. I like testing people's limits in a sense." He winked.

"See this pocket knife here? Its fake. Its just rubber, feel it." He joked, as he pushed it towards my chest. I reached out to it and hesitantly poked it. He was right, my eyes widened in fascination it is just rubber. "It looks real don't it?" He chortled before putting it back in his pocket. My eyebrows furrowed together.

"I want to show you something." He whispered as he took off his black v-neck t-shirt making my eyes bulge out, and my cheeks flush. He was very attractive in build....he threw me a wink with a smirk. "Its okay to look, I don't mind it at all."

He turned his back to me, and my eyes widened as a huge dragon tattoo swept across his backside, I gasped as I couldn't help but lean forward to admire the detail of it.  "Its beautiful..." I whispered before blushing, and pulling my fingertips back and away from the tattoo. He chuckled before tilting his head slightly over his shoulder, "go ahead and touch." He whispered.


My heart beat started to pound hard and fast as I let my fingertips dance and glide over the work. "I want to tell you a story...Tim." He whispered gently.

My eyes widened before I gulped, "There once was a dragon, who had everything going for him. He was admired for strength, and bravery, but little did all the other dragons know that he was scared on the inside. He was always scared, and very shy...until everything came crashing down on him at once, and his true colors shown." My eyes softened, as my fingertips stopped tracing the dragon on his back.


Grant let out a shaky breath, "He lost everything, and he almost lost himself....but you know, when you are at your darkest times, you can use fear as an opportunity to grow. And that was what this dragon did....he grew and learn to fly on its own wings, and he soon learned to become one with the sky." He smiled softly, I let a tear drop fall down my face. I was left awe struck.

"What happened to the dragon in the end?" He chuckled as he turned around and crossed his arms, I tried my best not to flush at how his chest puffed out. "That's for you to decide, Tim, I may not know what you went through when I met you, but...what i'm trying to say is that we all have our inner dragons, we just got to learn how to let it breath its fire."

He smirked, before pulling his black v neck shirt over again, making me involuntarily frown. "Before you officially become a member there's something that you have to do." He sniggered.


"Get a dragon tattoo.."

 I never gotten a dragon tattoo, or any tattoo at all. I rubbed the nape of my neck uncomfortably, I didn't really want to do."Don't tell me you never got a tattoo before?" He whispered before a smile threatened to stretch his face.  My nan will surely be disappointed in me.  

"Its okay, we'll start off with a small dragon one for you lets say on your left arm?" He suggested before licking his lips. I nodded unsurely. "Is it going to hurt?" I whispered as he jumped off of the love seat and pulled me out of the seat...


He didn't say anything.

I really shouldn't have left home.

I don't know what to do anymore.

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