Prologue Part 1: (Rewritten)

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He did it...

He finally did it...

After countless eons of fighting, plundering, killing, blood everywhere, and enough bullet shells to cover a small moon, it was...





It was all surreal to not only hear, but witness with his own eyes and with his bare hands, that he killed the very last demon in the universe. It wasn't anything special, just a regular CyberDemon, but did it try and look intimidating, probably prideful how it's the last one alive. Though it is impressive that one large demon could evade him for so long, it didn't matter if it was hiding or not. One leap there, a blast from his BFG there, and the beast is gone, for the betterment of mankind.

Then, it occurred to him, usually when one of the big demons fall, dozens more show in its place. But, there wasn't any, just a barren wasteland that he's used to seeing everyday when fighting. He looked around, confused, having never experienced this before in all the eons he's been fighting. So, he went somewhere else and see if there was any more demons, both on Earth, and in Hell itself. If he was sure of anything, there will be something for him to fight in Hell, the home turf of those monstrosities.

... Though there was a problem, where ever he looked, all there was is just the bodies or rotting corpses of those he's already killed.

Even in the deepest and darkest pits of Hell, there was no sign of them, where they normally hide when he shows up. In every castle, crevasse, pillar, cave, there was no sign that anything had lived there for quite some time. On Earth was no different, absolutely nothing was left of the demon threat, though that was largely helped with the government. Now you may think that maybe Mars has some left on it, you'd be mistaken, he took care of it when he woke up from an anger nap.

All forms of the underworld Devils are gone, after countless years of fighting, there was nothing left to say. All there was is just the one question;

'What do I do now?',

The famous Doom Slayer, Scourge of Hell, HellWalker, Doom Marine, the man of many names, was the first time as long as he can remember, was lost. His life was going well as a Marine, until he was given an order to shoot innocent civilians but didn't see that as fair. It all went south when his anger got the better of him and went to Mars to fend off the unexpected demon hoard that were brought there.

He believed that when he went back to Earth, he could never have to worry about the demons ever again.

But he was wrong...

The demons somehow made it to Earth and had begun their invasion, staring with him home town. The real kicker was what was waiting for him when he arrived...

 The real kicker was what was waiting for him when he arrived

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His pet rabbit... the only good thing he ever had in the world... Daisy...

His anger was like nothing his or any other world had seen before, wanting to kill every last demon in any dimension.

The rage made him too stubborn to be killed or stay dead and was able to pullback Hell's forces more than 6 times away from Earth. Soon, he was given incredible power to draw power from those he's killed and grow stronger with each one. Along with that was his recognizable Praetor Suit, which he has heavily modified over the centuries. Now with an arm blade and shoulder mounted canon slash flamethrower, it was practically indestructible.

(Or it's so strong the Slayer has yet to find something to actually damage the ancient armor.)

With that is a set of weapons that each one is capable of taking down the toughest of demons with enough time. In the suit is a one of a kind AI name VEGA, who the Slayer saved and has since helped him through his quest. He carries other random items in his Warp Bag, though they're use is mainly for his own enjoyment. He has no real personality other than rage, and with that gone, he has nothing else going for him.

While his reputation as a man who's walked between worlds and has a body count well in the billions. He is known to everyone man, woman, and child for all that he has ever done, both good, bad, and the gruesome. The world is at peace with the demons gone thanks to him and he will be forever remembered, because people can never forget.

Nothing to fight for and no way to know what his skills can do now, he has taken to the easy life.

Living in a big city penthouse as a thanks from the entire globe, he stays there with no pay and has limitless perks.

He could go anywhere and people back away with fear or respect and he never has to worry about buying anything. He keeps his armor in his house, not really needing it anymore, mainly used for extreme battle. With no real worries and everything now free to him, he's really mellowed out in his, what can be assumed, retirement. He had never planned what he would do with his life if the demons stopped coming.

It was one of the reasons he was living there instead of his Fortress of Doom.

While it did hold all his weapons, collectibles, various armors, it was still meant to aid his journey into killing every damn demon he can get his gloved hands on

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While it did hold all his weapons, collectibles, various armors, it was still meant to aid his journey into killing every damn demon he can get his gloved hands on. But, now that it was complete, the place was no longer necessary and just orbited the Earth. He did miss it, but it just brought too many memories of his former self and his mission.

The plan was cut and dry; Kill demons until there was nothing left except him and the human race. What with the anger, he never really thought about a possibility of demons no longer coming and if they were gonna stop. He assumed he would never stop fighting, demons would be at the end of his gun barrel until the end of time. So when that all ends, you can never know what to do with what you have, and with him, that's a lot.

Here he was, an immortal being with a history of walking amongst the fear of any bad person and with no clue as to what to do. While this may seem like the end for his war against demons, he knew inside that there was more in store for him.

A/N: Finally fixed this, mostly, of all the errors that were present. I know that some inaccuracies were made but that was because I made this BEFORE Doom Eternal. The facts I made were based off the games up until Doom Eternal and were retconned as people played the games. I'm well aware of them and if there's any more issues I made, let me know.


The Slayer of OverWatch (Doom X Overwatch) (Rewrite In Notice)Where stories live. Discover now