Author's Note

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This explores the idea where the Slayer had did it, where he got his revenge and killed every, LAST, DEMON, and saved the Earth. And, since he no longer has a reason for fighting, he has a chance to go to different worlds and protect them. Sorry if this is something you fans of Doom and the ultra violence it has upsets you, but I'm going for it.

And if the Slayer seems a little OOC at times, I find it appropriate since there's no reason for him to be angry anymore. I always thought he had a soft side after hearing about in the first games where he killed a whole army because his pet rabbit died. The Slayer has a chance to be a good guy, well, a guy who isn't known for a massive amounts of blood and gore.

Who knows, he may be the hero he'd always dreamt of being.

The Slayer of OverWatch (Doom X Overwatch) (Rewrite In Notice)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon