Tunnels of Terror

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Crota stood in his Throneworld, waiting for his vessel to appear. He looked upon his sword, The Doombringer, and wanted to carve another rune into it. Such a rune would bring his soul, and by extension his Oversoul, into the realm of Earth. Right on schedule, Ir Yut, approached him. "Speak," boomed the emerald Hive Prince.

"Crota, I bring you good news and bad news," said the Deathsinger.

"Proceed." Crota had no time for games. He wanted to see his father again.

"So first, we were able to send your commanders down to Terra."

"Good! Then proceed with the plan!"

"But, your Hand and Heart were destroyed mere minutes after we summoned them," croaked Ir Yut.

Crota was shocked. He looked at his right hand. It's crumbling before my eyes. He felt it in his chest as well. Long after he stole this world from the Vex and tied it to the Ascendant Plane, he tithed a bond between his corporeal body to 9 Hive, bred from his blood, ages accelerated by his sorcery, and entrusted to keep him stable when he freed himself from his netherrealm and entered Earth's realm. My twins are my hand and fist, my triplets: my eyes, my daughter is the heart, my pet is my might, Nazra and his cult feed my blades, and my wife, Omnigul shares my will. I will endure, I must endure! He turned to look at Ir Yut. "Summon the Fist, and the Blades." Ir Yut floated away, and returned 3 minutes later with Sardon, and the Blades of Crota. "You're about to embark on a dangerous mission," he said to his remaining lieutenants.

"You're not going to try to take Terra again, are you?" Sardon was tired of Crota's games. The Fist wanted to just relax in a fiery Throneworld of his own.

Crota bellowed, "This time, it's foolproof!"

"How so?" asked a skeptical Blade.

"Nazra!" shouted Crota. Nazra, The Sword of Crota, approached his father. Crota kneeled to give Nazra a weapon. "This is a Weapon of Sorrow, the Necrochasm." Nazra took it from Crota, and an Acolyte attached the Necrochasm to Nazra's back. The power of the weapon seeped into Nazra. He growled with satisfaction. "I shall guard your Soulstone, my lord."

"Then go, protect the site with Sardon, bring the foul Terra to its knees, and prepare it for my return."
Leviathan looked around in the caves below the Cosmodrome, using his Ghost as a flashlight. "See anything, bud?" asked the Titan

"Nothing yet," replied his Ghost, "Except for the fact that you miscalculated where you'd land!"

"Easy, Gabriel. I thought that we'd land in a Fallen pit, not a musky labyrinth."

"Of course you don't think! You fail to mention that my name is Gabriela, NOT Gabriel!" she cried.

"Because you still sound like a man," the Titan scoffed.

"Because YOU still haven't fixed my voice box!" the Ghost quipped.

"I'm not having this conversation again," Leviathan just kept walking down the tunnel, his figure casted an ominous shadow in front of him.

"Then when will we?" she asked again, "You're an Exo, you're good with Ghost mechanics, I've seen you repair a Ghost before. Why can't we do this?"

"Because, we're in the middle of-"

"No no no, not here, not right now. In the Tower, when you have all the tools and resources at your fingertips."

Leviathan sighed, "Because you're still a boy, and nothing can change that."

Gabriela angrily breathed, "UGH! Sometimes you make me angry!"

Leviathan gritted his teeth, And you're still too emotional!

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