The Last City

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On the Moon, there exists the Hellmouth, a pit and a fortress for the Hive and one of their princes, Crota. Crota is the Son of Oryx, one of the three Hive Gods at the very top of their caste system. As part of Oryx's plan to reap the Earth of all life, Crota swiftly established the Earth's only moon as his Spawn's base of operations, and the gateway between the Main Dimension and his own Ascendant Realm. It was in this Realm where an attempt on his life was made, by 6 Guardians, no less. The assassination went poorly, and out of the 6 Guardians, only one literally crawled out with her life. Everything that belonged to her was lost: her weapons, her knife, her armor, her Ghost, her Light, even her Awoken eyes. All that remained were herself, a shard from a Hive cleaver, and 3 glowing green eyes arranged in a triangle above her nose, protected by a brown bandana. I must get out of here! I, Eris Morn, need to warn the City!
"Watch it!" shouted the Ghost, "You almost got us killed from that thunderstorm!"

Max was at the helm, struggling with the controls, "I've just been resurrected and you expect me to be an expert in flying a Jumpship!?" The ship began to dive straight into a mountain.

The Ghost 'rolled its eye' and said, "Then let me drive if you're just going to complain about it!" He took over and raised the ship just in time to avoid the mountain and take to the skies once more, navigating past a few more mountains and ranges, before finally arriving at The City. "Ah," he said at last, "our home."

The Last Safe City on Earth was beautiful, even if humanity was slowly declining inside. Most of the City didn't have slums, and even with the 'poorer' areas of the city, the denizens of these areas weren't entirely suffering from poverty. The architecture was so advanced and futuristic, yet it had an ancient feel to it, as if it were a part of a society millennia before the City. Above it all floated a dormant Traveler, protecting the City from the outside world, aside from the city walls, and the Tower.

As a rule, the City's Tower was the headquarters of its Guardians, the protectors of humanity, and the divine soldiers of The Traveler. The Tower was the most renovated structure out of the entire City, thanks to Speaker Hedge's propositions. However, Hedge was replaced at the end of his second term by Speaker Alamo, the first Awoken Speaker in the history of the City. As part of his new policies, Alamo slowly shifted the center of economics away from the rich and into the middle class, by taxing the billionaires more heavily than the workers, then raising the minimum wage. The theory was that the working class would spend more cash than the rich simply because they are the ones in need of food and other goods. This worked 30 years before and would've worked today had it not been for a Consensus dominated by New Monarchy. As such, Speaker Alamo barely got his policies off the ground, and the City didn't change much across his 4 years in office.

When Max touched down in the Tower Plaza, he looked around and admired the view. His Ghost said, "Welcome to The Last Safe City on Earth, our home and Humanity's only asylum away from the Darkness. And this is the Tower, the home and headquarters of the Guardians." Max was still admiring the scenery when his Ghost said, "AHEM! Don't you need new robes?"

"Ok ok! I'm moving!" They walked through the center of the Plaza, past the Vaults that looked like triangular pillars on his right, past the triangular post office on his left, descended down a staircase in the center of another staircase rising to another part of the Plaza, the gunsmith's shop on the right and a garden with a futuristic fountain in its center straight ahead. However, it was the rooms below that mattered most to the Guardians, for just the small descending staircase was attached to a lit tunnel, the first part was dedicated to the Crucible and its handler, Lord Shaxx, while the end resulted in another room, but with an overlooking window into the mountains surrounding the City. This room was dedicated to the Vanguard, decorated with battle trophies, war medals, and symbolic banners, and in the center was a long table, and the floor was designed so that this table sank into the ground like a star distorting a solar system's plane, causing everything to revolve around its gravity. As such, this table appeared to hold more weight than anything else in the room, and thus the trophies, medals, and banners revolved around its gravity. Surrounding the table were three figures: one was a scholarly female Warlock, robed in purple as a symbol of her connection to the Void; another was a hooded robotic humanoid figure, with light armor and all the details any man would ask for, muscular abs, chiseled face, and a handsome voice that most people envy; and at the far end of the table stood a bald blue-skinned soldier, as strong and thick-headed as most Titans can be.

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