"Well, I forgive you but let's just stay friends"

"But I- okay."

"Bye" she smiled.

Friends? seriously? I said sorry for nothing! I never apologize and she knows that. Friends... for now.


I have like a whole book of work to do for English. Even if the incident has nothing to do with me anymore, I'm just taking advantage 'cause Jasmine doesn't boss Ariana around anymore.

"Do all these assignments for me." I said to Ariana, slapping the papers on top of her books.

She didn't say anything.

"What is wrong with you today?"

She shook her head.

"You have a mouth! talk!" I spat.


"I don't wanna hear a nothing"

"I'm acting different because.."


"T-the... ki-"

"Okay, we are never talking about that ever again and you do not mention this to anyone, especially Chaz."

She nodded her head.

"What's up bro! I heard you kissed Ariana" Chaz laughed.


"yeah... well I kinda forced to outta her."

"Why he fuck would you force it out if her!"

"Because she was acting weird so I bothered her for 2 periods."

"You bothered her for 2 hours?"



"Why did you kiss her though?"

"Shut up"

"Does Ryan know?"


"Does Luke know?"


"Can I tell them!?"

"Oh yeah sure"


"NO! are you fucking stupid? you're such a dick."

"Well at lease I have one."

"Shut up, you're nasty"

"So.. you guys a thing?"

"What part of 'shut up' do you not understand?"

"Chill out bro."

"I just don't want people thinking that I like her! I hate her!"

"Do you really?"

"I don't hate her as much as I used to... but she's still a bitch"

"Alrighty then..."

"Don't you tell anyone!"

"Okay... but can I talk to Ariana about it"

"Just go away!" I said in annoyance.

⋆Chaz's POV⋆

He didn't say no so I'm talking to her about it. Yes, I'm very nosy, but that's just who I am!

"Sup girlfriend" I said, after she closed her locker.

"You're such an idiot sometimes."

"So... you know when you kissed Justin?"

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