Chapter 9

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C H A P T E R  N I N E

Zach's P.O.V.

"You'd better keep your huge mess of a girlfriend away from Amelia, because if she gets near her, she'll regret it."

Jonathan's words echoed through my ears, and each one of them sent angering chills up my spine.

How dare he threaten Kelsey like that.

It's one thing to threaten me, but her, that's completely different. Before Jonathan could say any more, I made sure to leave, because I was extremely mad and would probably lose my temper. I felt bad for appearing a bit like a jerk, but I tried not to say anything. I didn't want to ruin anyone's good moods, including mine.

"Is everything okay?" Kelsey asked gently as we walked away from Jonathan and Amelia.

I turned towards the sound of her voice as I replied quietly, "I guess so, I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologizing?" she inquired, seeming surprised. "Those two are jerks."

"I just don't want to be like them," I admitted, putting my hands into my jacket pockets.

Kelsey stopped me, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. I couldn't see it, but I could tell that she was staring right into my blind eyes.

"You're nothing like them," Kelsey stated, honesty in her voice. "You're the opposite."

I gave Kelsey a grateful smile, happy that someone didn't think I was a strange person.

I didn't even mind the fact that Amelia and Jonathan called Kelsey my girlfriend. She'd definitely be my first pick. Even though it's only been a short time that I've known her, I've really gotten fond of her, and I've been feeling quite a bit protective over her. I don't know if that's natural, or if I'm getting a bit of a crush.

Yep, probably a crush.

Honestly, that makes me extremely nervous. I don't think I've ever had a crush before, and the feeling of it gives me anxiety. Also... Who's even heard of someone who has a crush on someone who's only ever heard their voice and nothing else? That's ridiculous.

"Thanks, Kelsey," I replied softly, feeling a little bit better. "I needed to hear that."

"It's only the truth," she exclaimed, the sincerity in her voice almost sending chills down the back of my neck.

I wanted to tell her about the possible surgery I was going to have on my eyes, but I decided that now wasn't the right time.

I heard the bell ring once again for the first block, so I said goodbye to Kelsey and walked off to my first class of the day. I wished that I could see in front of me so that people wouldn't think I was such an outsider. Inside, I'm just like everyone else.

Why doesn't anyone else seem to see that..?


Carefully, I entered the lunchroom, this time, much more mindful of everyone around me in the cramped hallway.

Listening to the sounds of everyone's voices, I've learned from past experience to stay away, due to the large crowd of people condensed to one area. I sat at my normal table, which was farther away from the crowd. I felt much more comfortable there because there weren't as many people staring, and I felt less self conscious.

I sat my bag on the table, taking my water bottle out, and keeping it close to me. I didn't want anyone pouring soap in it again. Before long, I heard some familiar footsteps.

Peripheral Vision | ✓ [NOW PUBLISHED AS HUNTINGTON AVENUE]Where stories live. Discover now