1 - The Beginning

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‘urgh I can’t concentrate with this shit going on down stairs!’ I yelled, perhaps a little too loud.

‘I know right!’ said my brother, who was standing in my door way, ‘I’m trying to practice my chords and I can hardly hear myself think let-a-lone my guitar over all that noise they’re making.’ he continued.

‘you’re telling me, I’ve got this assignment due Monday and if I don’t get it done by then Jefferson is going to have my ass!’ I sighed.

‘damn that sucks sis, that’s why I’m focused on my music, I don’t have to worry about any of that shit.’ he said, empathetically. my twin brother, Ben, was wicked on the guitar. I use to jam with him a couple of years ago, back before drama school; back when playing bass was everything to me. I glanced over to my bass which was propped up against the wall all covered in dust. ‘it hardly shines anymore.’ I mumbled.

‘well maybe if you gave it a clean once in a while!’ teased Ben, ‘hey maybe you should come play with us sometime? get your mind off things, especially after our bassist, dean, quit we could really use someone to practice with.’ he said with a warm smile on his face.

I looked up at his bright blue eyes and long blonde hair and smiled back. ‘that sounds like fun. you still got Blake on rhythm? and Matt on drums?’

‘yep and yep!’

‘awesome! should be great to see the guys again and hey maybe I could fill in as vocals? give Jarrod a little rest eh?’ I teased.

‘oh I don’t know, you’ll have to ask him about that.’ he laughed. my brother played lead guitar in a five (well now four) member metal band. they call themselves “‘Till Deth” and they’re pretty good. Jarrod, their singer, sometimes gave me lessons on how to properly “screamo-scream” and said for a chick I’m pretty good.

‘well I better let you get back to your assignment.’ said Ben.

‘nah, screw it! I’m not going to get anything done, not with all the noise down stairs. hey could I listen to you practice for a while?’ I said as I closed my computer.

‘sure, why not’ he answered, and I stood up and followed him to his room. I closed the door behind me and sat in his computer chair. He took his usual spot on the edge of his bed. ‘even with the door shut it doesn’t make much of a difference.’ I said ashe picked up his guitar.

‘yeah I know but it’s the best we can do I guess. besides going down there and pulling the plug on the stereo ourselves.’ he replied.

‘or we could call the police’ I added.

'yeah well if it goes past twelve like last time I might just do that.’

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