Chapter 17

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Y/n POV:

Whilst in the backroom, feeling nervous, a yelling startled me from outside. Intrigued, I went to the door to listen closer, opening it just ajar to not be seen but to hear them.

'It's your fault everyone is dying!' Is that the Marionette?

'Don't pin blame on me when you're the one who brought everyone back to life for selfish reasons!' Freddy voice yelled back.

'At least I have you another chance!'

'Does it matter?' Freddy returned.

I heard footsteps walking away, followed by distant shouting I couldn't hear anymore.

Marionette POV:

I moved from our location after spotting the backstage door open. This wasn't a conversation for other people to exactly hear, but I wasn't about to leave the argument be.

'It matters, Fazbear! God damn it matters! I have helped your people more than you ever will!'

'No you haven't! You've just caused chaos!'

'You fail at being their leader, Freddy! When will you learn to quit!'

'If you have the power to give and take life, why don't you just kill Springtrap once and for all!' Freddy yells at me.

'I can't!'

'Well you can do more than any of us can!'

'This is why I made the employees of this place scrap you useless idiots!' Oh shit, I didn't admit that ... no, no.

'You made them scrap us?' Freddy stepped forward. This wasn't how it was meant to go.

'So what? You deserve it! You all hated me, I wanted everyone to love me as they should! You should be grateful I have you another fucking life!'

'So first you cause us to have to live an immortal life in misery? Then because of lack of your own satisfaction, you get them to replace us!'

'I shouldn't have given you life!'

'I wish you hadn't!' He screamed. 'You're the reason Golden Freddy is dead.'

'How dare you say that!'

'But truth be told, it's all on you!'

'It's not! Its not! If anything it's thanks to you!'

'I'm done!' Freddy stormed off.

'I don't want you to ever talk to the toys again! If you come near them or me I'll make sure you're killed! Even if it's not by me!'

Freddy paused. 'You're working with Springtrap, aren't you?'

'You cannot prove that.'

'Maybe I can though.'

'Like I said, come near the toys or me, you're dead. That goes for any of you rejects!'

'You have no right to do this, Marionette!'

'You might have broken my control over you, but the others will still listen to me and follow me like the puppets they are!'

'I'll make sure they find out.'

'Trust me, you won't.' I spit out as he stormed away again. For good, this time.

How dare he accuse me of being responsible for all this? He made my list, and I begged him dead. All of the dead. But I can't.

Y/n POV:

After Freddy returned and explained everything to us, none of us could quite believe his words.

'Why would he work with his murderer?' Foxy asked.

'Because he's a psychopath.' Chica stated.

'He's selfish.' Freddy said. 'He only thinks of himself, somehow that's managed to make him stupid too.'

'We can tell the toys somehow. They need to break from his little strings.' Chica gritted her teeth. 'I don't like the toys, but I hate that damn puppet!'

'The feeling's mutual.' I stated.

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