Chapter 7

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Y/n POV:

Eventually, me and Chica were left in the dining area, sat across from one another. Originally, the boys had joined us but after a while they decided to go elsewhere. Chica and I decided to remain there, enjoying the sort of nostalgic feeling of being in an environment like that. Of course, the feeling of the room no longer felt the same, but it would do. I felt bad for the other three who left. During their time in the same room as us, they'd remained rather quiet and just couldn't shake off the down mood they'd been placed into and so decided to leave us be to cool off individually. Then again, even Chica and I were thrown a bit on edge, but opted to using each other as a distraction which really helped us.

"I'm pretty sure they've used the same tables as the old establishment, so there's that," Chica pointed out, lifting the table cloth to stare at the wooden and scratched table underneath.

"I don't think they've been replaced since the place opened," I said. At first it was a joke, but it dawned over me that they certainly hadn't replaced them from the condition of the tables. Chips of wood still sticking out and fat chunks of wood missing from the structure. This place violated a vast amount of rules.

Chica placed the cloth back over the table, placing her arms on it as though to keep it down, "I. think you're right."

I smiled at her, "I remember when we first met we both came to a dining room to talk. It sort of reminds me of that because it was just us two and was dark like this."

"Yeah, I get what you mean. That seems like such a long time ago now, but I still remember the feeling of meeting everyone," Chica responded to me, a friendly expression on her face as she remembered everything.

"It was a long time ago," I said, "but I'm glad I've spent my time with you all. You're like my family."

"We are your family," Chica stated firmly, placing her hands closer to me, "and you're my family, too."

"Yeah, you are a bit of a mum, aren't you?"

Chica laughed, rolling her eyes and retracting her comforting hand, "Alright, that was uncalled for."

"But truthful," I reminded her. Suddenly, I became aware of the atmosphere. Darker, clearly nighttime once again. It was as though the entire day travelled by in a single breeze, nothing happened. Thankfully, there were giant clocks in the majority of the rooms for parents to know when their time was up in one of the party rooms. The time told me less than an hour until midnight, "it's almost midnight."

Chica shot her eyes up, following my gaze to stare at the clock, "What the hell. How did that happen?"

I shrugged once she turned back around, "Literally no idea. Reckon we should try get the night guard this time."

Chica grinned at me, "Definitely, it's not a try it's a will. I want to go for them this time."

"I'll try help you out."

"Thanks, you're a real wingman," Chica stated, nodding her head at me.

I laughed, "Didn't realise it would be a date."

"Oh, of course.  And if any of the toys interrupt me, then a bitch will be slapped," Chica then declared with a hint of aggressive determination gleaming in her eyes.

"Guess that's one way to express." I scratched my arm in thought, taking a moment to review over everything and wondered how in such a short amount of time this had all occurred, "do you. think we'll ever get along with them? Any of them?"

Chica sighed, slumping her shoulders, "I'd like to think so. Actually, I hope so, just to make it easier for us to tolerate been here. Apart from the Marionette though."

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